Pay no attention to that koi fish behind the curtain

Yet another conspiracy between the Democratic Party, former Obama Administration officials, and the media has been exposed, this time regarding the government purchase of overpriced curtains that the Left tried to pin on Nikki Haley.

The Left’s curtain malfeasance began when an unnamed Obama Administration official made the $52,701 curtain purchase for the US Ambassador to the UN’s Residence in June of 2016 (before Trump’s election), a fact that the New York Times buried deep in its explosive exposé entitled, "Nikki Haley's View of New York is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701.”

This time, the NYT did not rely on a “Steele Dossier,” but rather on the fact that the fixtures for said curtains were installed in 2017, to give the impression that Nikki Haley, and not the Obama Administration, was indeed the “Curtain Culprit.”

The Left only needed an unscrupulous congressman to further perpetuate this lie in order to spur a congressional investigation. It is counting on Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu of California, who jumped at the bait and tweeted, “This is not okay. As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I call on @HouseForeign Chairman @RepEdRoyce to hold an oversight hearing on @StateDept spending on @nikkihaley and her deputy.”

The FBI’s role in “Curtaingate” remains unclear at this time.

The media’s unethical tactics during “Curtaingate” echo those used in the infamous Koi Fish Feeding Scandal of 2017, when Trump visited Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe on November 6, of that same year. To those who need a refresher, below is a famed description of what happened on that fateful day:

“It was a perfect day for a media lie…Trump raised a wooden box to the cameras, in it koi fish food, quite the symbol of pride and victory for the Japanese people. And then the horror; he dumped out all the fish food, nearly killing Japan’s precious koi fish.”

Screen grab from YouTube

Or so the media would have you believe.

The truth is that CNN edited its coverage to conceal the fact that Prime Minister Abe dumped his fish food first and that Trump merely followed Abe’s suit. In spite of this, the media continued to lambast Trump for his substandard and dangerous koi fish feeding technique.

Of course, there are far more serious examples of media misdeeds, like those associated with SPYGATE that aim at overthrowing a duly elected US President or those that propagated the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” media lie which worsened race relations and helped bring Micah Johnson  to shoot twelve Dallas policemen, five of whom died, in July of 2016.

However, “Curtaingate” and the “Koi Fish Feeding Scandal of 2017” offer something that SPYGATE and the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” media lie do not.

What is that?

Both “Curtaingate” and the “Koi Fish Feeding Scandal of 2017” are pathetically funny.

Humor is good for the soul, as well as an extremely effective persuasive tool. While some would have you pay no attention to the koi fish behind Nikki Haley’s curtains, I recommend you smile and never forget them

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