Sen. Hirono: Men, collectively, are guilty

There are three crimes that I consider worthy of capital punishment: murder, rape, and treason.

I consider forcible rape to be one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed against another human being. In my view, forcible rape deserves to be a capital offense. Any person proven guilty of forcibly raping another person should be executed. I suspect that many people would not agree with my view on this. But I state it for perspective.

I consider sexual assault to be a very serious crime. Not deserving to be classified a capital offense in most cases, but, nevertheless, deserving of very harsh punishment. 

Having said that, the idea that any woman who alleges a sexual crime should be believed without regard to evidence is unreasonable and unjust. Every case ought to be judged individually on the specific evidence.

But Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) says:

"Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed…. We have to create an environment where women can come forward and be heard and be listened to… I believe her."

In the environment which Sen. Hirono would create, men should shut up.

“Guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: just shut up and step up, do the right thing for a change.”

In an environment where women must be believed on a blanket basis, men are presumed guilty not for their own crimes necessarily, but for the crimes that other men have committed. Men, collectively, are guilty. The allegation of assault is all that is required to establish the guilt of a man.

Unless the man is a prominent Democrat, like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, or Keith Ellison. Democrats forgave Ted Kennedy for leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die in the back seat of his car and made him the “Lion of the Senate”. Democrats didn’t believe Kathleen Willey, or Juanita Broadrick, or Paula Jones, each of whom accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. In the case of Broadrick, it was rape. Even now, they don’t believe Karen Monahan, former girlfriend of deputy Democrat National Chairman Keith Ellison, former congressman and current candidate for Minnesota attorney general. The evidence that Ellison abused Monahan is significant. Yet, Monahan says of the Democrats “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party.” No support for Monahan from Sen. Hirono. No calls from Sen. Diane Feinstein for Keith Ellison to step down from his position with the DNC. No cabal of Hollywood actresses releasing a video with the message to Karen Monahan saying "Millions of us have your back. You and your testimony are credible. We believe you."

Why? Because Kennedy, Clinton, and Ellison are Democrats. Kavanaugh is not.

In her interview with Politico, Hirono made it clear that this is about politics:

“If Kavanaugh’s nomination fizzles and President Donald Trump has to name a replacement, Hirono says he better find someone whom she considers less of a conservative ideologue, or else prepare for Senate Democrats—especially if they win a majority in November’s elections—to keep the court seat vacant until after the 2020 election.”

Politics. That’s what this is about.

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