The Democrats and the truth about the midterms

On September 1, 2018, the Oregon Beavers found themselves playing the fourth-rated Ohio State Buckeyes.  They lost 77 to 31.  Do you think coach Jonathan Smith actually thought his team could beat the vaunted Buckeyes?  Did he go into the locker room and tell his players, "We can beat this team"?  He may have thought it through emotionally; he may have thought they could win, but the differences between the two teams showed up in the actual outcome of the game.  The Buckeyes just had too much power going for them against the Beavers for the latter to overcome and win the game.

Why use a football analogy to talk about the Democrats and the midterm elections?  Can you imagine Chuck Schumer saying to the Democratic Senate Re-Election Committee, "We are going to get our butts whipped in November, so just go out and do the best you can"?  By the same token, can you fathom Nancy Pelosi saying to her counterparts in the House, "We have no chance to take control of the House.  All this talk about the blue wave is trash talk.  Just do the best you can to try and keep us from being massacred"?

The point is, by telling a lie long enough and loud enough, people will begin to believe that what you are saying is true.  This is one of the reasons why so many Democrats were disappointed with the loss of Hillary Clinton in 2016.  You might remember that former president Bill Clinton was concerned about the states she and her campaign took for granted.

The Democrats still have not learned from their mistakes in 2016.  Look how long they have been talking about the Big Blue Wave that will sweep the Democrats into control of the House and the Senate.  Their partners in crime, the mainstream media, continue the chant: "We can win!  We can defeat Donald Trump!"

Did the Oregon Beavers really believe they could win?  Perhaps they did until the game started and they really understood how big, strong, and fast the Buckeyes were on the field.  No matter how badly the Democrats think they will be beaten, they will never concede the loss.  The reality of the loss will become more apparent as the election season continues and Americans focus on the midterms.

Do Democrats really think Americans will give back their tax cuts; support higher taxes; and accept a bigger, even more expensive government?  This attitude flies in the face of the majority of Americans, based on what has happened with our economy.  Why would you give up the job you may have waited eight years or more to get?

How many of your friends will raise their hands for a tax increase?  President Trump needs to ask Americans a straightforward question: "If you are better off today than you were just two years ago, then vote for congressmen and senators who support what I'm trying to do to Make America Great Again.  If you are not, then vote for someone else."

A message to the Democratic Party: Americans like working and being productive on their own.  They want to earn a paycheck and not get a government check.  Look behind you, Democrats: something red is coming.

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