The Trump-haters' credibility problem

The media are again having a collective orgasm because an anonymous writer has penned an opinion piece scathing to Trump.  This writer is said to be credible because other anonymous sources have told the media the same things in the past.

I saw the known liar John Brennan on the Today Show talking about how dangerous Trump was and how this opinion piece was credible.

Bob Woodward has a new book with a lot of anonymous people supposedly quoting what others have said about Trump.  Woodward's quotes are said to be credible because the media have heard these anonymous sources and quotes before.  The fact that Kelly and Mattis said they didn't utter those words is irrelevant, because that just doesn't fit the agenda.

In July, CNN ran a story from a credible anonymous source saying Cohen had the goods on Trump on Russia and was willing to squeal.  Journalists wet their pants as they repeated this credible story.  A few days later, the anonymous source, Lanny Davis, came forward to say he just made the stuff up.  Lanny Davis was the mouthpiece of the Clintons.

The retractions to the story were pretty quiet, and Bernstein and CNN still stand by the false story.

Ben Rhodes admitted that the Obama administration used the media to spread false stories on the Iran deal.

Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama administration continually lied to pass Obamacare, and the media willingly spread those lies.

The media willingly spread the fictional "hands up, don't shoot" narrative that ginned up racial hate, hate of cops, and violence.

The Duke rape case was fictional and used to gin up racial hate against rich white kids.

The Rolling Stone magazine ran a fictional rape case story that destroyed people's lives, and other media outlets repeated the story.

The NYT had a reporter who for years wrote false stories:

Jayson Blair, a young Times reporter, lied and faked and cheated his way through story after story – scores of them, for years.  He fabricated sources, plagiarized material from other publications, and pretended to be places he never went.

CNN seems to have a problem with truthful reporting.

Three prominent journalists at CNN resigned on Monday after the cable news network was forced to retract and apologize for a story on its website involving a close ally of President Trump.

While CNN is willing to make up lots of stuff about Trump, the network was also willing to hide true stories about Saddam Hussein to keep its Iraq Bureau open. 

CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan yesterday sent a memo to his staff defending his decision to withhold information about how Saddam Hussein's regime had intimidated, tortured and killed Iraqis who had helped the cable news network over the years.

Which stories are they hiding today that don't fit their agenda?

Dan Rather and Brian Williams were both fired for just making stuff up, but now they are back, trashing Trump, because that is what it takes today to get a job in most of the media.

Journalists caught fabricating, embellishing or simply not fact-checking have lost their careers.  Dan Rather left CBS News in 2006 after a controversial story that relied upon false National Guard documents.  Jayson Blair was fired from the New York Times in 2003 for stories that were invented or plagiarized, a travesty that also cost then-executive editor Howell Raines his job.  Journalist Stephen Glass was fired from The New Republic in 1998 for fabricating, in parts or in whole, 27 of 41 articles for the magazine.

While the lies and fabricated stories of the media are too numerous to mention, one of the biggest lies of all relates to the fake Russian dossier.  It is still being used today to help push the fake Russian collusion story.  Anything that goes against Trump is acceptable.

Isn't it amazing that Democrats, Hillary, and the media searched far and wide for dirt on Trump to defeat him, and yet they thought they had to spend millions to create a false dossier, which was also used as an excuse to spy on Trump and those who surrounded him and as an excuse to insert informants into his campaign?  All Trump had to do to beat Hillary was tell the truth about her.

This Deep-State bureaucrat who wrote the anonymous piece trashing Trump, along with most journalists, Democrats, Brennan, and others, says he is concerned about the nation's security, but we know that that is not true.  These people are clearly worried about maintaining their power.

If they were actually worried about the security of the United States, they would have been out during Obama's eight years as he:

  • Backed out of our commitment to Poland and the Czech Republic to put up missile shields in order to appease Russia.
  • Said he would be flexible with Russia if he was re-elected and laughed at Romney when Romney said Russia was dangerous.
  • Called ISIS the J.V. team.
  • Concocted a lie about Benghazi to protect his political power.
  • Continually lied in order to give hundreds of billions to Iran, which pledges "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," along with spreading terrorism throughout the world, and would not even enforce his self-imposed red line in Syria.

If they were worried about security, they certainly would have gone after Hillary, her aides, and Obama for their flagrant disregard of laws on classified documents.  They would not have tolerated the FBI, Justice, and intelligence agencies spying on political opponents and unmasking names while protecting the guilty Hillary.

The clear reason everyone is going after Trump is because he is trying to reduce the power of government as fast as he can and give it back to the people.

The next time over 350 newspapers get together to coordinate anti-Trump editorials about how reliable and honest they are and how dangerous Trump is, they should look at all the willing lies they publish and how many true stories they refuse to run to protect people they like.

Meanwhile, the economy continues to soar.  I am impressed with all of Trump's accomplishments, as he is under attack each day, and I encourage him to continue tweeting, especially against garbage opinion pieces in the NYT, made up stuff on CNN, and gossip books like Woodward's.

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