We're monsters to them

I finally got it.  After the election of President Trump, I've been growing ever more confused about the lack of reason from the Democrats, trending into outright craziness.  Marching with vagina hats?  Claiming that the "Russians did it"?  Beating Trump-supporters with bike locks?

Then came the allegations of sexual abuse by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, assertions so completely ridiculous that a middle-school child could shoot them down.  An assault where the victim doesn't remember the day, the place, or who was there, except for four people who have all come forward to testify, under penalty of perjury, that there was no party, they were not involved and have no idea what she's talking about.  Then another assault claim where the victim wasn't sure about the events and no one witnessed it.

Yet I have friends who are Democrats who believe these women and are twisting themselves into pretzels to claim that these events must have happened exactly as the women described.

Why is this?  Recently, my husband and I went out for breakfast, and I finally understood.

I imagined that in the lovely restaurant in which we were seated, a man in full Nazi regalia walked in.  Let's say he was wearing the whole uniform, including an armband with a swastika and polished jackboots.

Instantly, I would know that this man is evil.  His ideology is that of genocide and war.  If a girl walked up to me, pointed at him, and claimed rape, I would believe her.  Of course she's right and he's a rapist, because look at him!  He's a monster.  I wouldn't require proof.  I wouldn't need it.

And now I have my answer.

The Democrats have demonized Republicans to such an extent that they believe we are not human.  We're monsters, and we deserve whatever they can do to us.

This, by the way, is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews.

Bonnie Ramthun is a Colorado mom, wife, and author.  She is an occasional contributor to PJMedia.  You can find her work at her Amazon author page here.

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