Whose party's agenda is actually radical and un-American?

Eugene Robinson had a piece in the Washington Post arguing that President Trump's agenda and policies are radical and un-American.  The best way to respond to this drivel (which amounts to Democrat talking points) is to point out the actual radical agenda that most of the media have either supported or implicitly supported based on the politicians they support, who push the radical un-American policies.  Because Robinson is writing nonsense like this:

President Trump's antics in his "Crazytown" White House inevitably dominate the headlines. Meanwhile, however, his wrongheaded policies are damaging far more than the nation's dignity and honor.

Hampered by inexperience and incompetence, the administration is pursuing a radically un-American agenda that should alarm progressives and conservatives alike[.]

Robinson, to paraphrase a famous phrase by Abraham Lincoln, seems to have his headquarters where his hindquarters should be.  The socialism that Robinson favors is what's radical and un-American.  Capitalism, which President Trump champions, has made America the greatest economic powerhouse in history.  It's the best system to lift up the poor and give people the chance to move up the economic ladder.

Big-government policies are truly un-American and continually put the boot on individuals and businesses, making the government, politicians, and bureaucrats more powerful.  For those of us on the ground here in the America Robinson speaks of, Trump's lifting of the boot has lifted up consumer, business, and small business confidence to high levels.  The number of people saying the country is moving in the right direction is much higher than at any time when Obama was president.

Big-government policies have made the area around Washington, D.C. extremely rich while stagnating the economies of most of the rest of the country.  Washington, D.C. produces nothing but bureaucracy, rules, and taxes, yet its denizens are the richest.  That is radical and terrible for the long-term health of America.  Trump's policies have given much greater opportunities to people of all races and all education levels, no matter where they live.

Even the Washington Post has to admit that blue-collar jobs are growing faster than at any time in thirty years.  This is after Obama and others said it would take magic to bring manufacturing jobs back.  That shows a true lack of intelligence on economics.  But here we have the wisdom of the Post questioning the reality every which way it knows how:

Under Trump, the jobs boom has finally reached blue-collar workers.  Will it last?

Blue-collar jobs are growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, helping fuel a hiring boom in many small towns and rural areas that are strong supporters of President Trump ahead of November's midterm elections.

Jobs in goods-producing industries – mining, construction and manufacturing – grew 3.3 percent in the year preceding July, the best rate since 1984, according to a Washington Post analysis.

Making more people dependent on government is truly a radical un-American policy.  Giving the people the chance to move up is truly American and is not radical.

If you really want to see a radical, ignorant, un-American policy, it is in actually believing and promoting the idea that unemployment benefits are one of the best ways to grow the economy.  Trump's policies that lead to creation of jobs are certainly not stupid, radical, or un-American.  But among Democrats, the consensus is here:

"Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.) said at a news conference on Thursday.

Taking away freedom of choice on health care and seeking to destroy the private health care industry are radical and un-American.  Reducing competition is radical and un-American.  Trump is bringing back freedom of choice and competition on health care, and that is truly American.  It also appears to be leading to the stabilization of prices in 2019.

Having the Justice Department sue the Little Sisters of the Poor for daring to think they had freedom of religion was what was un-American.  Ending the Obamacare tax on the poor is.

Having a president continually say he didn't have the power to unilaterally change immigration laws and then dictatorially implementing DACA anyway is truly radical, unconstitutional, and un-American.  Having a president who enforces the laws Congress passed as a requirement of his oath of his office, which would describe President Trump, is what's truly American.

Seeking to destroy industries like the coal industry with regulations not passed by Congress is truly un-American.  Having policies based on inaccurate, manipulated computer models is radical.  Threatening legal action against those who disagree with government policy is radical and un-American.  Not caring about the wildlife killed by solar panels and windmills is disgusting.  Getting rid of that nonsense is what's truly American.

Shipping over $1 billion of unmarked bills in the middle of the night as bribery to get a deal (that was never signed) with a country that pledges death to America is one of the most radical and un-American things I have seen.  Can anyone imagine the outrage and continuous reporting if Trump gave Putin over $1 billion in unmarked bills?  Just not doing that puts President Trump in the pro-American camp right there.

Dictatorially stopping the Justice Department investigation of a drug-running operation by a terrorist organization to appease Iran and to supposedly enhance one's legacy is radical and un-American.  Holding the tyrants to account by Trump is truly American.

Having the IRS intentionally stifle political opponents' free speech and freedom of association rights guaranteed by the constitution is radical and un-American.  Holding bureaucrats accountable to their own laws is.

Not lifting a finger to save Americans under attack by terrorists, but instead concocting a lie about a video to protect your political power, is un-American.  Sending Susan Rice out to lie to major networks about the video is un-American.  Lying to the families of those who died is un-American and shows a complete lack of empathy.  Obama is out today saying the story about Benghazi is a Republican conspiracy.  Debunking the whole slew of lies, as President Trump does, is speaking truth to power – and very American.

How radical and un-American is it for a president to issue a stand-down order on Russian hacking to his cyber-security chief if he actually thinks there is a danger?  Obama did it with ease.  President Trump wouldn't think of it.

I will gladly support Trump, who is pushing a truly American agenda to lift everyone up by giving the power, purse, and freedom to the people as fast as he can versus people who claim to be progressive, but whose policies oppress and make people dependent on an ever expanding greedy government.

What is truly radical and un-American is when almost all of the media seek to destroy one party while supporting the party with the actual radical un-American agenda, no matter what it does.

Image credit: Tomas via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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