America should launch its own satellites

If America is increasingly concerned about national security -- as we are; and America is increasingly concerned with American jobs staying in America -- which we are; and America is rebuilding a rocket launch sector -- which we are… why in the world would we send precious satellites to foreign countries for launch?  Makes no sense.  Congress and the administration should take a hard look and get this right.

At this moment, America’s relationship with international competitors -- sovereign and commercial -- is being forcibly reshaped.  China is resisting American leadership, and so are parts of Europe. Clearly, the fairness and protection of American interests, including security and our economy are again on the front-burner.

Nowhere should our economic and security issues more vigorously advocated than in the industries of high technology, space, and domestic job creation. One area where all of these interests converge is in the newly resurgent American space launch sector. 

Raw facts are compelling. Signs of growth are everywhere.  The United States initiated 29 orbital launches in 2017, with more young companies aiming for orbital in 2018. Capital investment was modest from 2000 to 2015, but has begun to trend north with speed in past three years. In the launch industry, America should lead.

But big questions loom: Which American company will become a leader in low-orbital launches? Who will be most economical among young American contenders?  What will the costly older companies do to compete? Where will new investment go, and with what acceleration effect? 

Bigger questions lie beyond -- and they matter even more.  At a time when allies and adversaries seem increasingly subject to doubts about American leadership, while technology hacking is rising, how will America assure that our most precious assets -- the satellites that control our economy and security -- are safe? 

That big question has one answer:  America -- and this means Congress and the administration -- must focus on keeping all launches of sensitive payloads from U.S. soil and by U.S. companies. 

Let’s be real:  What other way exists to assure that irreplaceable American space assets -- satellites that are vulnerable every time they move -- are safe?  None, or none that assures our security with that level of confidence.  That is why this hot topic is being discussed at this time. 

One added fact that tells Congress all it needs to know:  This sector is in an explosive but promising early stage.  It will surely grow -- right along with palpable threats to American security and American jobs.  If we are to protect this sector in the early stages, for longer-term security assurance and economic gain, it must be now. 

So, why in heaven should America not insist on launching all our own satellites from our own soil, via American companies, creating more American jobs?  The answer is -- for reasons of national and operational security, immediate and long term -- we should. 

Steve Mosteiro is a former strategic planner, policy analyst and missile defense expert with the U.S. Office of Secretary of Defense and the Office of Secretary of the Air Force.

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