Can a Navy SEAL win election in New York?

As the midterms approach, outsider candidates are emerging across the country.  Dan DeBono is one such example.  DeBono is taking on the establishment and with it the permanent political class.

DeBono grew up on Long Island.  He served as a Navy SEAL.  He knows firsthand what service to country is all about.  Unlike career politicians, DeBono is not bought and paid for.

Mr. DeBono owns a small investment business on Long Island.  He knows firsthand the importance of small businesses for the economy to flourish.

Mr. DeBono also believes in fair trade deals.  In order for trade to be truly free, it must also be fair.  Like President Trump, he believes that for too long, America has been taken advantage of.

DeBono supports deregulation and increasing competition.  DeBeno also believes in enforcing antitrust laws.  In addition, he’s outspoken in support of economic populism.

DeBono is a strong defender of the Second Amendment.  He is a true champion of the Constitution and the rule of law.

Political outsiders are prevailing across the country.  The founding fathers envisioned citizen-public servants.  Government by and for the people is the American way.

Candidates can help to Make America Great Again.  DeBono is a true example of this phenomenon.  He is a candidate who puts America First.

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