Woman describes how global warming hysteria caused her mental illness

Years of media-driven hysteria about imaginary global warming have taken a toll.  Every hurricane, wildfire, and heat wave is blamed on the "selfish" industrialization of mankind.  One woman describes how the reporting has driven her to the edge of madness:

My stages of grief

I didn't know it then, but that first year I spent reading policy papers, I went into mourning.  I skipped denial and went right to shock.  I floated around on a dark, dark cloud.  I frequently and randomly burst into tears, and I'd refuse to admit to myself that I knew exactly why I was crying.

When I was around bustling crowds of people, I saw death and destruction.  When I walked on dry land, I saw floods.  I imagined wild animals, especially snakes, getting out of the zoos in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Imagine all the snakes and elephants and zebras roaming around city streets after a global warming disaster!

Then I went into depression.  My social life turned into fits and spurts of intense engagement followed by equally intense withdrawal.  I was deeply afraid of telling even the people closest to me what I knew and why I was so scared.  I couldn't sleep.  The crying fits continued.  They didn't become more predictable.

No more predictable than the weather.

Whether we admit it or not, we're all in the middle of one big, giant mourning process.  We're mourning our futures.  We're mourning the children we're afraid to have.

Good.  Liberals shouldn't have kids.

Our bucket lists.  Our travel plans.

Will she be canceling her plane flight to the next global warming conference?  Or giving up flying entirely, like Christine Blasey Ford?

Some of us are mourning homes already lost to fires or flood, or savings accounts wiped out helping relatives recover from hurricanes.  Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it's okay to be depressed, to grieve.

This should be the new slogan of the Democratic Party: "It's okay to be depressed."

These nuts are dragging the rest of us into their psychosis by voting for candidates who want to penalize the rest of us for choosing to live in an industrialized age.  They should be locked up in mental hospitals and treated for their delusions.  Unfortunately, when it comes to the media, the Democrats, and some Republicans, the inmates are running the asylum.

Ed Straker is the senior editor of Newsmachete.com.

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