Of elephants and Antifa

In a 2012 article titled "Of Elephants and Men," Wade Horn, president of the National Fatherhood Initiative, described disturbing events on an elephant preserve in Africa, when young males were separated from the older, male bull elephants.  Once they were free from mature male influence, the junior males wreaked havoc on their new environment, particularly the endangered white rhinos.  The entire article seems to be well researched and is striking in its revelations: the natural order of things is for ill disciplined males to confront and attack. 

The details supporting the article most certainly offer the concept of a male destructive bent absent older male authority.  In modern jargon, it is what it is.

Like the elephants, Antifa is composed mostly of fatherless young men who become uncivil and violent while they remain in their home "caves" with their mommas.  What and whom these young men oppose matters little. They have no real ideological focus.  They simply are pushed to confrontation.

Young human males influenced not by mothers and fathers living together, but by mothers alone are like nitroglycerine prior to Alfred Nobel and his inventive dynamite – that is, an unstable, dangerous, and powerful compound before its natural composition was stabilized for a powerful and useful explosive.  To complete the analogy, Nobel would stand for the father.

According to any number of statistical surveys, approximately a third of young men grow up in fatherless homes.  Additionally, even more are in homes without their biological fathers, or the father figure in attendance might just as well not be there.

When a mature adult male is not present in the home, there is no anchor, nothing to provide clear direction, clear thinking, and the clear teaching of discipline.  Females forced into these roles as male substitutes abbreviate their natural full-time nurturing.  Young males brought up without such guidance can be drawn into gangs that are no more than mobs.  They have heard the call of the wild.

According to the Daily Wire, Antifa 90% comprises single males, most of whom are still living in their mother's basements.

These Antifa members claim to oppose white supremacists, but the fact is, they rampage through any meeting, assembly, or faction when the mood strikes them.  Like the junior elephants who kill white rhinos, Antifa appears to have a bloodlust.  Its members aren't fighting an opposing point of view.  They are fighting a natural result of a spiritual failing.

How much worse will it get?  As old males die off and disdain increases for manhood throughout society via politics, the media, Hollywood, and even the modern military and its enlisted "members," the acceptance of men as fathers and an anchor of strength will lessen.

The elephant reserve in Africa had had its younger bull elephants separated from the older males as a matter of expediency.  It was a solution resolved not by nature, but by the government.  It was cheaper and easier to separate by size and weight as opposed to proportionate family reduction and dispersion.

Modern politics probably will continue along the lines of protesting street groups manned by boys, with chaos breaking out at many demonstrations.  The politicians have created these monsters with the many-varied solutions of many-varied social problems.  They did in fact sow the wind.  Now they are reaping the whirlwind. 

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