The new Supreme Court

Finally, the Supreme Court has been recalibrated to accurately and properly reflect the values, traditions, and true character of America.  The United States "Court of Last Resort" has for too long been the tool of liberal ideologues conjuring credence in agendas not reflecting the will of the people and alternatively sought the friendly confines of sympathetic, left-leaning courts, circumventing the legislative process by judicial fiat.

The Founders meant for the states to be more powerful than the federal government, overseeing and controlling federal power, which by constitutional definition was to be narrow, well defined, and limited.  The 10th Amendment and the "Commerce Clause" (Article 1, Section 8, clause 3) spell this out by defining the "enumerated powers" listed in the Constitution.  Over the years, activist courts have exploited the meaning of interstate commerce, which has grossly and unfairly increased the expansion of federal powers, as an erosive force against states rights.

Adding to this degeneration of states' rights, the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913 further undermined states' authority by making senatorial selection a popular vote.  The original Constitution called for each state legislature to send senators elected from their own state ranks.  Making the Senate selection a popularity contest erases the connection to the governance of senators' respective states legislatures and lessens the consequences from their actions as senators.

Widespread ignorance of these bedrock American principles in no way negates their importance and control of our society.  However, Thomas Jefferson did warn us, as far back as 1815, when he said, "An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic.  Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.  It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens[.]"

Even to the least informed amongst us, the embarrassing national debacle we saw during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh should give us pause.  The deplorable actions and behaviors we all witnessed are the direct result of an uneducated and uninformed citizenry elevating these buffoons to power.

Kingsley is a private investigator and writer.  You can read his blog posts at

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