What's with the fainting couches?

I was groped in college once.  The season finale of This Is Us traumatized me more than that.  I cried like a baby.

The Red Wedding scene in Game of Thrones traumatized me far more than a drunk college boy grabbing my breasts.

Let's not talk about the cancellation of Timeless.  I can barely speak of it.  That boy in college who grabbed me at a party and put his hand down my dress and squeezed my breasts before I smacked him away?  Eh, whatever.  I don't care.

Being groped in college isn't even a blip on my life's radar.  It's meaningless to me.  Why should that particular event make a single iota of difference in my life?  It didn't.

But now we have the #MeToo movement and the grotesque circus around the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanagh, and the Democrats in this country have revealed their real opinion of women.

Democrats believe that we women are weak, mewling, helpless creatures who are defined by our interactions with men.  If we are touched, insulted, groped, or otherwise not treated as delicate flowers, we're supposed to react by making our entire lives revolve about that horrible moment that ruined us forever.

This is complete manure.  I know women who were brutally raped, and they have healed and recovered and made complete, whole, strong lives for themselves.  I know women who have lost husbands, children, and parents to the worst circumstances, and they're the strongest people I have ever met.  Our female ancestors came to this country and faced hardship, disease, and oppression.  They weren't helpless creatures, traumatized forever at a crude insult or the unwanted touch of a man.

I never joined the #MeToo cascade of stories.  Apart from the genuine tales of forced rape, the vast majority were stories of ugly passes and crude remarks and unwanted groping, a parade of liberal women struggling to find a way to be a victim of dastardly men.  There aren't enough fainting couches to go around.

The groping that occurred to me in college wasn't a #MeToo moment.  It was nothing at all.  And for Republican women, raising children, running farms and ranches and businesses, the whole idea of making your life miserable by making it all about a bad interaction with a man is ridiculous.

Now excuse me – I'm going to grab some tissues and settle in for the new season of This Is Us.  I hope I can survive the trauma.

Bonnie Ramthun is a Colorado mom, wife, and author.  She is an occasional contributor to PJMedia.  You can find her work at her Amazon author page here.

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