Which president actually abdicated moral leadership?

At the Washington Post, lefty columnist Eugene Robinson is up to his old tricks, calling President Trump a failure on moral leadership.  Here's the title of his sanctimonious column: "Eugene Robinson: Trump has abdicated moral leadership on what should be core issues for America."

As he rants about that, the rest of us remember that throughout President Obama's eight years, almost all journalists, and almost all entertainers and other Democrats, supported Obama and his two ambitious secretaries of state, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, in matters such as the following:

They backed away from our commitment to Poland and the Czech Republic to put up missile shields to appease Russia.

They pulled 100% of troops out of Iraq and called ISIS the J.V. team, making the Mideast and the world a more dangerous place.

They allowed a gun-running operation where they lost track of thousands of weapons.  How many people died because of this carelessness?  If a reporter had been killed by these weapons instead of a border guard, you can bet the media and Democrats would have cared about the cover-up by the Obama administration on this gun-running operation.

They failed to enforce immigration laws that Congress passed, and that certainly abdicates moral and legal leadership responsibilities.  If an illegal alien killed a reporter instead of Kate Steinle, would Obama and journalists have cared?

They told Russia that Obama would be more "flexible" if he was re-elected in 2012.  Obama was whispering that under his breath in a bid to keep American citizens from hearing.  We still don't know what he did, but moral leadership this was not.

They refused to provide defensive weapons to Ukraine when that country was attacked by Russia, even though the U.S. promised that we would help defend the Ukrainians when they gave up their nuclear weapons.  How many people died because Obama abdicated our responsibilities?

They blamed a video instead of telling the truth about terrorism in Libya, making the world a more dangerous place.  Maybe if a reporter had died instead of diplomats, the media would have been outraged by the lies.

They did not enforce Obama's fictional red line in Syria and pretended that dictator Bashar Assad got rid of chemical weapons as well as trusted Russia's Vladimir Putin and Russia to monitor Assad.  How many people have died in Syria because Obama did not do what he promised to do?  How much of the refugee crisis in Europe and elsewhere is because Obama didn't do what he promised to do in Syria?

They lied continuously through the media in order to give the tyrannical, dictatorial, murderous leaders in Iran hundreds of billions of dollars to spread terrorism around the world.

They shipped over $1 billion in unmarked bills to Iran's tyrannical leaders in the middle of the night to spend as they liked.

They dictatorially stopped the Justice Department from investigating the billion-dollar drug-running operation by the terrorist organization Hezb'allah to appease Iran.  How many thousands of people have died in America and elsewhere throughout the world because Obama and Kerry were more concerned about their legacy than their moral responsibility?

They essentially did nothing to stop North Korea from developing dangerous weapons to threaten the world besides repeatedly telling the North Koreans to stop.

They rewarded the murderous dictators in Cuba despite their not changing their ways.

Not once, as Robinson rants on, did I see where he or others like him talked about Obama, Hillary, or Kerry abdicating their moral leadership no matter what they said or did.  But now he goes after Trump because Trump has not absolutely punished Saudi Arabia within twenty days of one reporter dying.

It is very similar to the media declaring that Trump colluded with Russia and that Justice Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford with absolutely no actual evidence.  Facts obviously haven't mattered to such supposed journalists for a long time.

Obama, Kerry and Hillary obviously abdicated American leadership and moral leadership many times, but the biggest abdicators of their moral leadership are journalists who look the other way when people they support do something and who seek to destroy others no matter what they do.  It is dangerous to our freedom, our way of life, and most significantly our core issues when journalists report based on an agenda instead of facts.

Image credit: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

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