Whitmer and Gilchrist – Michigan’s dangerous duo

Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Gretchen Whitmire and her running mate Garlin Gilchrist are promoting government-run health care, sanctuary cities, and the elimination of government agencies that protect citizens.  This socialist dynamic duo wants to outlaw the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.  They want to turn Michigan into a sanctuary state for lawbreakers.  They want to reverse any economic gains in Michigan by adopting Jennifer Granholm-style big spending programs, rolling back even the modest gains achieved during the Gov. Rick Snyder years. 

Gilchrist is a former organizer for Moveon.org, the left-wing group that got its start during the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.  From that perch, he has advocated the elimination of the Department of Homeland Security, stating, “I question why we even have a Department of Homeland Security.”

Regarding driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, Mr. Gilcrest has stated that he has passionately advocated for “every state to give illegal aliens drivers licenses.”  During a radio interview, Gilcrest said, “There’s been arguments and fights in states across the country and municipalities across the country about whether undocumented immigrants could have driver’s licenses, whether they could have real ID that the type of id that you need to do so many things in day to day life and it’s really great to see the District of Columbia really stepping up and joining ten other states that now grant this right to undocumented immigrants…. This is the type of win that you can start in every state.  This is exactly the type of thing that citizens can push for and win.” In the state legislature, Whitmer voted three times to allow illegal aliens to gain access to driver’s licenses.  This American-citizen-last damaged mindset is exactly why we must rally to the cause and overwhelm the Democrat vote come November 6th

Michigan is not alone.  In Florida, for instance, where the state’s low taxes made it a haven for businesses and individuals seeking to find a better life, the Democrats nominated Andrew Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, to be their standard bearer for governor this year.  Endorsed by Sen. Sanders in the primary, Gillum has proposed a series of tax hikes that would make New Yorkers blush. He proposes a 40% corporate tax increase for state businesses, which would give the Sunshine State the highest corporate tax rate in the region. 

Gillum’s worldview can only be described as Marxist.  He has claimed that “by virtue of being born each of us has the absolute right to adequate food, shelter, clothing, water, healthcare, effective public transportation, dignified work, living wages.”  The folks of Tallahassee are probably glad Gillum is running for governor in the hopes he’ll get the hell out of town so they can start rebuilding a safe streets community in his wake.

The media likes to talk about the pending “Blue Wave,” but polls in Michigan and Florida show these races are neck and neck.  Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James is closing the gap with long-term liberal Sen. Debbie Stabenow.  Likewise, Bill Schuette is gaining ground on the Whitmer/Gilcrest ticket as more people realize how out of step with the mainstream voters of the state.

Whether in Florida, Michigan, or elsewhere, it is becoming apparent that the Democrats' race to the left is not creating the “blue wave,” but instead is opening up the eyes of millions of Americans that embracing socialism and a Venezuela-meets-Cuban end game is not a winning strategy.  Let’s hope America hangs ten as it surfs the red wave needed to beat back this radical push to the left in Michigan, Florida and everywhere in between. 

Thayrone X (Theron Hughes) is host of ‘On The Edge with Thayrone' which can be heard on WAAM Radio 1600 AM in Ann Arbor Michigan, find out more at www.waamradio.com.

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