Absolute proof the Georgia governor election was legitimate

Stacey Abrams is certain that the Georgia governor's election was not legitimate and that thousands of residents were suppressed from voting.  She is also certain that as Georgia's secretary of state in charge of elections, Brian Kemp is responsible for the voter suppression.

If Stacey Abrams and her supporters truly believe she would have won a "fair" election, then because Brian Kemp won by 54,723 votes, there have to be at least 54,724 people who were denied their right to vote specifically for Stacey Abrams.  If this were the case, of the 54,724 disenfranchised voters, one would assume there should be at least 5% (2,736 people) who would come forward to lodge their complaint of voter suppression.

So just where are the thousands of suppressed voters Stacey Abrams is talking about, and why hasn't any of them come forward to tell his story of disenfranchisement?

If Stacey Abrams actually believed that her accusations of massive voter suppression, her contingent of lawyers would have put out a request for every disenfranchised voter to come forward to file a class action lawsuit against Georgia secretary of state Brian Kemp.

Stacey Abrams's lawyers didn't call out suppressed voters because the fact is, there aren't thousands of people who were denied a vote in Georgia – or even hundreds of people.  Stacey Abrams and her vocal supporters are simply sore losers who can't accept the fact that they were rejected by a majority of legitimate Georgia voters.

The absence of thousands of disenfranchised voters coming forward in Georgia is absolute proof that the election was legitimate, and Brian Kemp won the election fair and square.

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