Democrats: You can't always get what you want

The words sung by Mick Jagger could well summarize the 2018 midterm election: results.  

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need. 

Yes, we conservatives did not get what we wanted -- complete control of Congress. But we got what we needed, an increased Republican majority in the Senate. And by the way, apart from the numbers, the incoming Senate will be of a higher quality. It will be significantly more conservative and more aligned with President Trump's MAGA agenda now that RINO ankle-biters the like of John McCain, Jeff Flake, and Bob Corker have sailed off to the sunset. This bodes well for, among other things, upcoming judicial appointments in the next two years.

As for the House: the conventional wisdom, even from the conservative punditry, has it that the losses in there were mild when measured by historical standards for midterm elections. This is absolutely true. But still the loss stings given the amazing economic growth the U.S. has experienced in the past two years. This is evidenced by rising wages, record low unemployment, high level of consumer optimism, and a soaring stock market.

One has to wonder what in the blazes were the people who voted Democratic thinking to risk this economy? And I don't mean the radicals and bitter, hardcore Democrats. These people hate anything good that is ushered in under Republican leadership. They even hated it when Ronald Reagan defeated the USSR. Rather, I mean the run-of-the-mill Democratic voter. My only explanation is that so many are still unfortunately entrapped in the media bubble that they have been brainwashed to instincts vote Democrat. This helps explain how radical Democrats like Andrew Gillum (Florida), Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona), Stacey Abrams (Georgia), and Beto O'Rourke (Texas) came frighteningly close to winning. 

The media and its unrelenting attack on Republicans and Trump in particular are a major factor why Republicans lost the House. Another contributor was Speaker Paul Ryan. Under this man's inept leadership, the House did little to advance the MAGA agenda. And where was Ryan this election cycle? Was he out on the hustings campaigning for Republican candidates? No, he was too busy listening to his moneyed master's voice and was criticizing the president on immigration. With Ryan gone, the GOP will be a stronger party.

When looking over the landscape, what is the one reason that the often-predicted Democrat blue wave did not transpire? The answer is Donald Trump. Those campaign rallies for Republican candidates carried the day in a number of Senate races. Without the Trumpster and his relentless no-holds-barred campaign effort, the country would probably be facing the prospect of a Chuck Schumer-led Senate and a Nancy Pelosi-controlled House come January. 

The last of Trump's many campaign rallies was at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. There, in making a rare campaign appearance, was Rush Limbaugh. Rush often says he has talent on loan from God. Well, judging from Trump's activities for the past several months, he obviously has energy on loan from Him. More and more, the Republican party is becoming Trump's.

Despite of the loss of the House, the Republicans still have the upper hand, holding the Senate, the presidency, and an improved judiciary. It is the Democrats that have the wind to their faces. This is especially so in that the Democrats are dealing with Trump and not some soft-touch RINO like McCain, Romney, or Bush who their lapdog media allies are used to pushing around.

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