MS-13 gang member arrested at border after traveling with caravan

A Honduran national who admits he belongs to the notorious MS-13 gang was arrested on the U.S. side of the border after traveling with the caravan of migrants currently camped in Mexico near Tijuana.

Agents arrested Jose Villalobos-Jobel, 29, shortly after 6 P.M. on Saturday, according to a statement released by the border patrol.

National Review:

During questioning at the El Centro station, the Honduran citizen confessed that he is an active member of MS-13 and had intended to enter the country illegally after traveling to the U.S. with the caravan of thousands of other migrants.  He is in custody pending his deportation back to Honduras.

President Trump has made MS-13 a priority in his crackdown on illegal immigration and said last month that the latest caravan, estimated to consist of as many as 7,000 people, contained MS-13 members.

"You're going to find MS-13, you're going to find Middle Eastern, you're going to find everything," he said of the caravan travelers.

The gang was started in Los Angeles in the 1980s and has a large presence in El Salvador and other Central American countries, where it terrorizes locals.  Several crimes perpetrated by its members have made national headlines in the U.S., including the September 2016 murder on Long Island of two young girls, ages 15 and 16.

Critics will downplay the arrest, claiming that Villalobos-Jobel is just one MS-13 member out of a caravan of several thousand.  All I can say to that is, does anyone really believe he was the only MS-13 gang member to blend in with the caravan and try to cross the border illegally?

The 7,000 migrants currently on the border with the U.S. in Mexico are not all innocent women and children.  We are told that about 75% are single males.  But you'd never know it, as the airwaves are saturated with images of mothers trying to protect their children from beastly border patrol agents who get their jollies by tear-gassing mothers and kids. 

I'm sure that most of the single males traveling with the caravan are not criminals or gang members.  Whatever you can say about their efforts to enter the U.S., it takes a certain amount of courage and ambition to make a 1,500-mile trek – courage and ambition that criminals don't have. 

But there is absolutely no doubt that some criminals and gang members have traveled with the caravan to enter the U.S.  To pretend otherwise is silly.  This is why we have a border patrol in the first place.  Trump may be exaggerating the problem, but he is right for calling out those who claim that all people in the caravan are harmless refugees.

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