Trump vs. Hitler
Ever since Donald Trump became president -- in fact, even before he won the presidential election -- liberals have repeatedly called him "Hitler." So is Trump another Hitler? Yes, say the experts! Here are some: the fake comedian Sarah Silverman called him a Hitler. CNN’s and ABC’s fake Republican, Ana Navarro called Trump a Hitler. Hanoi Jane, now that she’s not sleeping with prominent communists like Ted Turner (owner of CNN) or Tom Hayden, is busy calling Trump another Hitler.
Not just politicians, either! Canada’s Wilfrid Laurier University called psychologist Jordan Peterson Hitler.
And not only have leftists called Donald Trump a Nazi, but those who voted for him are also Nazis.
And Alexander Nazaryan, a senior writer in Newsweek, also called the people who voted for Ted Cruz in Iowa Nazis.
But to return to their claims that Trump is another Hitler.
They're right! Just look at the evidence:
- Hitler established restriction of travel. Trump has...
- Hitler established a one party rule. Trump has... ah, never mind.
- Hitler established censorship. Trump has... he has, has... ah, never mind.
- Hitler established Stormtroopers and the Gestapo. Trump has, Trump has... never mind. (Wait, does Antifa count? Oh, wait, they’re communists.)
- Hitler established rigid gun control in Germany and Trump... whoa.
- Hitler demanded territories from other countries. Trump has... oh, forget it.
- Hitler established concentration camps. Trump has... skip it.
- Hitler executed his political opponents. Trump has... skip that one too.
- Hitler established censorship. Trump has... yeah, skip that too.
- Hitler established socialism. Trump has... nope.
- Hitler established indoctrination in schools. Trump has... oops.
- Hitler established euthanasia in Germany. Trump has... oh, wait, it’s progressives who are in favor of euthanasia.
- Hitler went to war with almost every country in Europe and North America. Trump... oh, pft!
- Hitler ended elections. And Trump…
Well, to hell with it! Facts don’t matter! Only Nazis use facts! Trump is still another Hitler!