Ladders for criminals

National hero Brian Kolfage has recently taken the initiative to aid President Trump in his quest for greater border security by creating a GoFundMe campaign, "We the People Will Fund the Wall."  At a time of the year when the budgets of most Americans are stretched to the limit, he has raised an astounding $18 million so far to fund our wall.  Our liberal friends are not taking it lightly, either.  An obvious member of the liberal brain trust named Charlotte Clymer has stepped forward with a plot to purchase ladders for the criminals who would seek to violate our immigration law with a GoFundMe campaign of her own.  "Ladders to Get Over Trump's Wall," it is titled, and while she has not been as successful as Mr. Kolfage, there is something significant about her campaign.

It is a criminal conspiracy.

18 U.S. Code §371 – Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States:

If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

So far, 6,862 people have donated in eight days, and that certainly satisfies the requirement of two or more.  Their intent could not be more clear; it is proudly announced in the title of the campaign.  The fact that they are continuing to collect funds after eight days is without question an affirmative step toward commission of the crime.

The spectacle of all this civic activism has moved the passions of this correspondent, and I would like to see Charlotte rewarded with something near and dear to the heart of every liberal: equity.  Equity under the law, that is.  I think the tyranny of liberal privilege should be defied in her special case, and the public prosecutor should serve her up a heaping helping of social justice, American style.

I am sure the guardians of the public trust at the United States Attorney's Office are laughing too hard to take action immediately, but if only one would compose himself long enough to type up the information and present it to a judge, we can get this ball rolling.  I see no reason to delay delivering to Charlotte and her 6,862 friends exactly what they're asking for.  After all, justice delayed is justice denied.

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