#MeToo morphing into #GrinchToo

Feminists emboldened by #MeToo's many scalps taken from powerful men are turning their aim on office Christmas parties.  Sexual assault survivors must make room for "office party survivors."

Breitbart highlights the appearance yesterday on Gayle King's show of novelist and New York Times op-ed contributor Jennifer Weiner, who sees the festive gatherings as yet another unfair burden on women and an opportunity for predation by males.

Oh, the pain!  CBS screen grab via MRC.

Weiner's whine in the pages of the Gray Lady Person concerns the expectation that women dress up, while men get to put on one of their suits and be regarded as adequately turned out.  She begins her essay by channeling the Grinch:

It's the least wonderful time of the year.

I guess there are people for whom the ordeal of getting dressed up and winning the approval of others overwhelms the Good News of birth of the Savior and a time of year beloved by children and families, a holiday so universally appealing that the Christmas lights of Tokyo are a tourist attraction.  But I suspect that most people would regard this, as I do, an example of self-absorption and victimology of remarkable vividness.

Ms. Weiner displays a certain ambivalence towards he proclamation of the burden of looking good in her op-ed:

What would happen if I treated my dresses the way a man on tour might treat his suits?  Could I just pack four outfits and rotate them?  Could I find my own uniform?

Why not?  Nobody is forcing her to care about what other people think of her clothes.  It's all in her head, and she is in charge of her thoughts, not the victim of mind control she pretends to be.  She continues:

That's one way to go.  The other is the path paved by Stacey Abrams when she ran for governor of Georgia this year.  She did it in jewel tones, in statement necklaces and interesting necklines.  She seemed, from where I was following along, to enjoy her clothes, her dresses and her necklaces and her earrings, how she felt and how she moved, and what those looks told the world about her.

"From the moment I enter a room, I am clear about how I intend to be treated and how I intend to engage," Ms. Abrams wrote in her book "Minority Leader."  "For example, my attire, my hairstyle, even my presentation style, reflect me rather than aping the behavior of others."

Ms. Abrams seems to regard dressing up as an opportunity for self-expression.  If we're looking for victims, men relegated to mere boring suits are the victims.  There would be more condemnation for a man showing up in a glitter jumpsuit, expressing his inner Elvis, than for a woman showing up in a Hillary Clinton-style pantsuit that she wears to the office every Tuesday.  I guess I must be a victim, too.  Or I would be if I craved the status that progressives lionize.

In the world of whine, it's all negative all the time.  Below is a video of the appearance on Gayle King, and of course, in place of Christ, another holy name was invoked:

Do not drink.  Have a friend, have a plan, like if that guy who checks out your butt as you go to the copier, corners you, have a friend who will be looking out for you[.] ... I joke that like, unfortunately if I was telling somebody what to wear, I would say a body camera at this point[.] ... A body camera and the Christine Blasey Ford memorial one-piece bathing suit under the clothes, which is terrible, but here we are.

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