A tale of prosperity and fossil fuels in a far-off land

Once upon a time, there was a rich and prosperous country with a thriving fossil fuel industry.  It was the richest and most prosperous country on the continent.  It had the biggest fossil fuel industry on the continent as well.  Many people moved to the country to be part of a thriving economy.

But there was some income inequality in the country, and a socialist politician was elected leader on the platform of giving the poor people more money.

The socialist leader expressed confidence that he could run the national economy in a way that was fairer to all – in particular, the poor.

The socialist government gradually took over the management of more and more of the economy, supposedly so everyone would get a fair shake.  Gradually, they took over the fossil fuel industry, and it contracted more and more, and the country became poorer.  They took over other parts of the economy as well.  And, over the years, they contracted as well.

Meanwhile, the socialist leaders became wealthier and wealthier.  Income inequality became larger and larger.

Eventually, this country became one of the poorest countries on the continent, and its people left the in droves.  In the end, the fossil fuel industry was destroyed.

This was Venezuela.

Today, Americans live a rich and prosperous country with a thriving fossil fuel industry.  Many people want to move to our country to be part of a thriving economy.

There are socialist politicians who want to destroy America's fossil fuel industry.  Destroying our fossil fuel industry would destroy our economy and make us poorer.  Destroying our fossil fuel industry would cause people to want to leave our country rather than move here.

Beware of socialist politicians who want to destroy our fossil fuel industry.