Chuck Schumer can end the shutdown whenever he wants to

Chuck Schumer and other Democrats are throwing a temper tantrum to keep the government shut down.  The media and other Democrats know that all they have to do is give Trump much less than they have approved before for a border barrier, yet they won't do it because they are catering to their leftist base.

When Democrats want to act tough on illegal aliens, they say stuff like what Schumer said in 2009.  Schumer and others know that most networks and newspapers won't say a word about the hypocrisy because they will gladly flip and flop their positions depending on what the Democrat talking points of the day are.  Today, the talking points are that Trump and Republicans are racists.

Democrats were willing to shut down the entire government if Republicans blocked money for their special interest group, Planned Parenthood.  It is not even a government agency, yet they were willing to send government employees home if they didn't get their way.

Should taxpayers be forced to hand over so much of the money that is confiscated from us to a group founded by a known racist who wanted contraception and sterilization to build a cleaner race?  This organization has crushed and crunched babies and continues to abort minorities at a much higher percentage than their percentage of the population, so where are the cries that Planned Parenthood is trying to create a whiter America?

Very few countries in the world allow abortion after twenty weeks, yet Democrats must adhere to this policy to be invited into the tent.

A party that supports abortion on demand at all stages of a pregnancy, no matter how viable the child is, should not be lecturing anyone about morality.  Defending our borders and enforcing the laws Congress passed is obviously not immoral.

Anyone who looks at the following statistics and claims that illegal aliens are essentially angels who just want a better quality of life is lying.  Think of how many people also die from the free flow of drugs across the border.  That is immoral.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it arrested about 159,000 foreigners during the 2018 fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, an increase of 11 percent from the previous year.

About 90 percent of the people arrested had criminal convictions, were facing pending criminal charges or had been previously issued a final deportation order by an immigration judge.

Officials said they also deported 256,085 people last year, a 13 percent increase from fiscal year 2017.

That included 5,914 undocumented immigrants [sic], 5,872 known or suspected gang members and 42 suspected terrorists, the agency's data show.

When Chuck Schumer really wants the shutdown to end, he has the power to end it.  He can just fund the wall and show the American people that Democrats really care about them instead of just enriching and empowering themselves.

Image: Lorie Schall via Flickr.