Environmentalist politicians hope to deconstruct civilization

The New Green Deal is a proposal created by rabid environmentalists; glommed onto by the Green Party; and hijacked by the democratic socialists, many newly elected to Congress.  What I'm certain of is that not one of these socialist utopian dreamers has researched, much less carefully considered the catastrophic consequences of fully implementing the New Green Deal.

According to the website Green Party US, the four New Green Deal pillars are part of the Green Party platform.  Without a doubt, the pillars are based on extremist, socialist theories, which include pillar II – "The Green Transition."  Specifically, the Green Transition goal is to abandon the use of petroleum, coal, and natural gas.  More importantly, this lofty goal must be accomplished in eleven years from today.  To put a fine point on it, the real deal is to deconstruct civilization by eliminating the energy sources that fuel all modern-day transportation, which provide energy to light, heat, and cool almost every single building on the planet, in addition to a myriad of other things – from the manufacture of plastic to the transport of food not only in the United States, but across continents as well.  

From trains to motorized conveyances (cars and trucks), airplanes, and ocean-going cargo ships, all modern-day transportation requires one thing: petroleum oil.  Without it, human civilization would have remain stunted – limited only to the distance walked, ridden, or sailed.  Yet the New Green Deal proposes that the use of petroleum oil be abandoned.  The motto?  Keep it in the ground.  The Green Deal offers no alternative fuel to power cargo ships, airplanes, trains, or even cars.  In other words, lots of platitudes – no options.  And no Green Deal-follower will ever embrace nuclear power.  Keep in mind that in the 1800s, a typical Atlantic Ocean crossing aboard a sailing ship took two months; today, it takes a little more than six hours to fly between NYC and London.  Here's another overlooked fact: 75% of all food grown in the U.S. is transported away from where it was grown and harvested.  It's moved by plane, rail, or truck.  The energy used to transport food from farm to store?  Fuel, refined from petroleum oil. 

What's worse?  The New Green Deal seeks to eliminate the use of coal and natural gas, which provides reliable, abundant, and cheap energy to heat and cool, as well as providing light to every house, building, store, and factory.  Keeping coal and natural gas in the ground spells certain death for millions of people.  Abandoning or imposing crushing taxes on natural gas and coal means that people go without heat and run the risk of freezing to death.  Vice versa in the extremely hot climate regions.  While solar panels supplement energy required to heat, cool, and light a structure, solar can't completely replace the total energy required.  The same is true for wind turbines.

In summary, abandoning the use of coal and natural gas translates to a worst-case scenario: destroying forests for wood to heat, charring food over an open fire, and burning candles for light.

Finally, petroleum oil is used to manufacture plastic.  It's over-produced and under-recycled, there is no argument, but it's also used in hospitals to deliver life-saving drugs via IV drip tubing and used in refrigerators, which keep food fresh.  Plastic is also used in the manufacture of computers and cell phones – two modern-day conveniences that I'm positive no New Green Deal groupie or democratic socialist is willing to abandon.