How Dan Rather got lots of us to start blogging

Back in September 2004, many of us were trying to figure out this new medium of "blogging."  Finally, it was Dan Rather and that awful story about President George W. Bush that got me started.

During the '04 election, I warned my liberal friends outside Texas to avoid the Bush military service story.  As I told them on the phone, or even some media people who called for interviews or reactions, I remembered that the story surfaced in 1994, when President Bush challenged incumbent governor Anne Richards. 

It came out during the campaign, and Bush answered some questions.  Richards dropped it, in the same way that Al Gore killed it in 2000. 

I warned my liberal friends to stay away from this story, because it was not a story.  It was a lot of nonsense promoted by people with an anti-Bush agenda rather than reporting the truth.

I said: Don't fall for this garbage.

But my liberal friends are bad listeners.  They should listen to me more often. 

The liberals of 2004 could not avoid the red meat of an anti-Bush story.  They fell for it like a bunch of suckers eating out of Karl Rove's hand. 

And so they learned the hard way that the story was nonsense, as many of us had warned them!  Eventually, they had to admit that the documents could not be verified.

I'm looking forward to watching that documentary about the story: Black Eye: Dan Rather and the Birth of Fake News.

I was so angry at that CBS story back in 2004 that I decided to "blog post" my opinions.  Thank you, Dan Rather!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.