Illegals a law unto themselves in California cop-killing case

As the killing of a Newman, Calif. police officer demonstrates, illegal immigration is hardly a single crime.

Here's what Breitbart News reports:

The family of Gustavo Perez Arriaga, a 32-year-old illegal alien, helped him evade police and attempted to help smuggle him across the United States-Mexico border after he allegedly murdered 33-year-old Newman, California, police officer Ronil Singh, federal documents allege.

The day after Christmas, Singh pulled Arriaga over on suspicion of drunk driving.  That's when police say the illegal alien shot Singh.  Over his police radio, Singh called out "shots fired," and as police arrived at the scene of the traffic stop, they found the officer with a gunshot wound.

Singh was transported to a nearby hospital, where he later died, leaving behind his wife Anamika and their newborn five-month-old son.

The Breitbart report, citing police sources, shows that seven family members of this alleged shooter were right there at the ready to help him evade any responsibility for his actions, and there was a human-smuggler there to help, too.  It seemed to happen like clockwork.  One might have helped him steal the gun from Washington State and apparently lied to the cops about it; another allegedly covered up a bullet hole in Arriaga's pickup that was left there after the murder; one packed three changes of clothing for the alleged cop-killer so as to escape in comfort; one drove him to a relative's house in Stockton so as to wait the matter out (apparently, they were thrown out by some relatives who wanted no truck with the law, though I don't see any evidence they called the cops); one disposed of the murder weapon; one transported the alleged cop-killer elsewhere; one tricked a relative into a loan for the getaway, via the human-smuggler who got the whole group into the U.S. in the first place; one bought him a new cell phone; one brought a new change of clothes; and someone wired five hundred bucks for the escape.

All this in the course of Arriaga's two days on the run.  Supposedly, he's a gang member, but the evidence here suggests that his gang is his family.  And surprise, surprise: This group that acted with such military precision is all here illegally.

These are the people the media idolizes with sob stories in their bid to ensure open borders.  These are the people House speaker Nancy Pelosi waxes poetic about regarding their "souls."  These are the people leftist judges refuse to sentence on account of the potential for their being deported afterward, creating one set of laws for Americans and another for foreigners.  These are the people Democrats would like to have citizenship with voting rights, as well as hand out free health care to in California itself.

Next time you hear about "comprehensive immigration reform," you've got to remember that an amnesty for illegal foreign lawbreakers would include people with the morals of these, always helpful with family matters.  Up until now, the entire group had been model illegals and would have had the benefit of U.S. largess and bennies.  Now they've been exposed for the unvetted and unethical people they are, creating a law until themselves. 

What they show is that illegal immigration is rarely a one-off crime.  Far more likely, it's a series of crimes, and that could leave people such as these so morally corrupted that they could jump right in and help out their accused cop-killer relative as their first matter of course.  That's their values.  They have no loyalty to American values.  Their only values are to themselves.  Why they weren't thrown out long ago is precisely why this crime is so repulsive.  It's past time to make Democrats answer for it as they seek to legalize people such as these.