Our degenerate media

The behavior of our national media over the past two and a half years has been contemptible. We know now that, in conjunction with the Democratic Party, they colluded to bring down the Republican candidate for president and to ensure a Clinton victory, despite her many years of criminal behavior.  When that candidate won, they conspired to see him impeached.  The Obama-weaponized FBI, DOJ, and CIA broke nearly every law on the books in their effort to destroy Donald Trump.  They have failed every step of the way but have not given up.  They continue to demean themselves.

This past weekend was a two-fer.  The fake BuzzFeed story that should have been dismissed out of hand was gleefully embraced by every pundit on every news outlet.  They could not contain their joy at yet another "bombshell" that would lead to impeachment.  Only Fox held back for confirmation.  When Mueller's office released a statement that "the BuzzFeed story was inaccurate," they were devastated.

Next came the wholesale sliming of a group of Catholic schoolboys who did nothing but gather to wait for their bus after marching in the pro-life rally.  As they were verbally but viciously attacked by a group of black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacy cult, with a string of profane, disgusting taunts in hopes of a response, an American Indian activist with a dodgy past got in their faces while banging his drum.  The short video clip that was released at first brought about an unending stream of execrable responses and tweets by people who should know better.  And the verbal attacks were not limited to the usual suspects on the left.  Plenty of NeverTrumps weighed in as well, thoroughly humiliating themselves.  The truth of the incident was quite the opposite of what they had chosen to see and make of it.  The young teens did absolutely nothing but remain calm.  They were quite likely frightened by the aggressive black Israelites and the American Indian Nathan Phillips, banging his drum in their faces.  The boys are to be commended for their poise and refusal to engage with adults triggered by their MAGA hats.

As described by Jim Daws on AT, this was a perfect example of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.  The radicals among the American left have been driven to insanity by Trump's victory in 2016 and since then by his many successes.  They have continued to ignore the revealed facts of the Clinton-financed fake "dossier" and the participation of those at the top of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA in trying to illegally frame the president for crimes he did not commit.  Democrats in denial like Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and the rest of them who dream of unending investigations into all things Trump continue to make utter fools of themselves.  So deluded are they by their Trump-hatred that they are unable to give up their hope of driving him from office.

The word "degenerate" means one has lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal or desirable, showing evidence of decline.  That certainly describes our national media since Trump was elected, does it not?  They do not even pretend to be objective or honest.  They leap to embrace any tall tale about Trump but refuse to acknowledge the truth about the criminality of the Clintons and the former leadership under Obama of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA.  They are so easily trolled, so gullible.  They no longer verify or confirm stories or sources.  They have become like middle school mean girls who fabricate and spread nasty rumors about the pretty and smart girls they envy.  Consider their behavior during the Kavanaugh hearings.  They did far worse than demean themselves; they acted as willing assassins of a fine man's life's work. 

Let us hope the vile attacks on the boys from Covington Catholic High School will survive the weekend's smear with their good reputations intact.  What happened to them is reminiscent of what was done to the Duke Lacrosse boys who were so unfairly railroaded by a host of leftist academics at their university who leapt to believe a lying woman who made up a rape story out of whole cloth simply because she was black.  The left today is so marinated in identity politics that its members cannot see the reality of America versus their single-minded focus on four things: skin color, their campaign to preserve the unimpeded right to abortion up to the moment of delivery; the criminalization of all faiths but Islam, which they always seek to protect from criticism; and their quest for open borders, no matter the horrific crimes visited upon innocent American citizens.  That is who and what they are today, our media and our left.  They are traitors to the Constitution and to the values for which the Founders fought and died.  They are indeed degenerate.  C.S. Lewis wrote, "We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."  Our media and our left regularly mock honor, so we should not be shocked to find them as the traitors in our midst.