Sandy, 'you just don't care'

Ronny & The Daytonas did not record that song "Sandy" for Representative Ocasio-Cortez.  Nevertheless, the GOP should consider using the song for a soundtrack to AOC's biggest hits.

Someone should bring AOC up to speed on taxes and the American people.  This is the latest about who pays taxes in the U.S.:

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently proposed a 70 percent top federal income tax rate.  This would nearly double the current top tax bracket, which is currently at 37 percent.  Ocasio-Cortez fails to mention that the tax code is already steeply progressive.

According to the Congressional Budget Office: 

  • The top one percent of households pay 39.4 percent of federal income taxes and 26.2 percent of total federal taxes.
  • The top 20 percent of households pay 88.1 percent of federal income taxes and 69.5 percent of total federal taxes.
  • The top one percent of households pay an average income tax rate of 24 percent while the middle quintile pays an average income tax rate of 3 percent.
  • The top one percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 33.3 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of over 14 percent.
  • The top 20 percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 26.7 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of 14 percent. 

It sounds like a progressive tax system, does it not?

Unlike the "Sandy" on the song, who just doesn't care, my guess is that AOC cares but is just plain ignorant or someone repeating talking points that make no sense outside a Bernie Sanders rally.  Even her arguments about making the U.S. look like the U.K. or Sweden are factually wrong on tax rates.

AOC has succeeded so far because she checks off two boxes.  First, a Latina.  Second, a young Latina who hates Trump.

Don't expect the anti-Trump media to challenge AOC.  She will continue to get softballs from interviewers until they just get tired of her.

At some point, she will fade away for picking fights with the media over "fact checks."  Also, she will turn into an inconvenient mess for Democrats trying to hold on to their small House majority.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.