The Democrats go blue on blue

"You arrogant a--, you've killed us." 

The moral of the film The Hunt For Red October is that good can triumph over evil.  It doesn't always, as we all know.  The bad guys, the Russians, seek to stop the good guy, also a Russian, from defecting to the U.S. with a state-of-the-art nuclear submarine.  The line above is spoken by a member of the crew to the captain who miscalculates the genius of Captain Ramius (Sean Connery), and a torpedo vaporizes his own submarine and all aboard.  It is a terrific film that depicts the constant tension and danger that our troops who are dispersed throughout the world face on a daily basis.  Who is good?  Who is a terrorist?  How and at what point do we decide who is a threat?

Today it is the American left that, if not the gravest menace, certainly seeks to put the homeland in peril.  Leftists are doing everything in their power to assure that we are vulnerable to the migrant throngs who want to enter the country over the southern border.  They want a border permeable to the drug cartels, gang members, and terrorists from all over the world who make their way there in order to enter the U.S. 

The left is positively giddy at taking back the House majority.  Nancy Pelosi could not stop giggling like a schoolgirl while speaking to Congress on Wednesday.  She thinks she is the cat's meow, equal in power and significance to the president.  (She is not.)  She does not yet realize that she is a national joke, a symbol of the gerontocracy that has for so long ruled the Democratic Party.  As Rashida Tlaib profanely promises to impeach President Trump, Pelosi politely declines to criticize her language.  She is thrilled to be head of her party once again but afraid to rein in the new, young, socialist Democratic members of the House for fear of offending them, no matter how inappropriate they are.  She is like the parent of a rebellious teenager who is fearful of making her child angry!

Watching this unfold, this first week of the new Congress, would be hilarious if it were not so distressing.  So many of these new members not only are thoroughly unfamiliar with the Constitution, but do not bother to know it because they believe it to be just an outdated piece of paper written by old white men.  They have no sense of the fact that the Constitution is the reason this nation has prevailed so long as the greatest country in the world.  Voters of too many districts have elected too many ignorant ideologues who lack any significant knowledge of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares herself to Lincoln and FDR, and yet she is shockingly ignorant of the basics of American history with which most fourth-graders are familiar, or used to be.  But now she is a media sensation, a pretty girl, and her gaffes are endlessly amusing.  She is equally ignorant of basic economics but somehow has a degree in that discipline.  Boston U should be ashamed.  She is the Kardashian of politics, embraced by a portion of the populace that, like the Kardashians, knows nothing of value or importance beyond meaningless details of pop culture.  Conservatives should embrace the media's affection for this young woman; she, like Rashida Tlaib, is the arrogant a-- who will expose the Democrats for what they are: empty of ideas any newer than those of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven. 

Ocasio-Cortez is an avowed socialist-communist.  She seems unaware of the fact that these ideologies killed a hundred million people over the span of the twentieth century and have destroyed Venezuela in the twenty-first.  Like Bernie Sanders and the rest of the hard left, Ocasio-Cortez means to destroy America as founded.  The newly elected socialists in Congress see the tragedy that is Venezuela as a success – the extermination of the middle class, a starving poor, and an oligarchy that lives like Nancy Pelosi does here in San Francisco while her own city disintegrates due to the policies she has long embraced.  Pelosi never, ever stands on principle, only for power.  Nor does Schumer, like Harry Reid before him.  These are despicable people.  They lie, cheat, and seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way.  They do not care about the security of the country – only about their own job security, their own hold on power.

The essence of the Democratic Party today is hatred: hatred of the president, hatred for the millions of people who voted for him, hatred of anyone who challenges their dogma, and hatred of the Constitution because it lays out what they cannot do.  If America is to prevail, the Democrats as currently composed must be destroyed.  With arrogant people like Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar (another anti-Semite), it looks as though they may do just that all by themselves.  They're heading straight into that torpedo.