When did patriotism become racism?

It's become axiomatic in our country that anyone who disagrees with a minority group member, or a left-wing radical, will be branded a racist.  You believe we need a wall on our southern border to stem the flow of dangerous drugs and human-trafficking?  You must be a racist!  You say Al Sharpton is a tax-evading demagogue?  You're a racist!  (The fact that he owes millions to the IRS doesn't matter.  He's black, hence you can't criticize him without being charged with racism.)  In fact, it's become an egregious act of racism for anyone to support President Trump, the wall on the southern border, or any other issue that promotes American values.

When did it become a racist act to wear a hat that reads, "Make America Great Again"?  Keep in mind: it doesn't matter how many patriotic blacks wear MAGA hats, or how many go public with their support of President Trump.  As far as the left is concerned, those blacks are "Uncle Toms," or traitors to the left-wing strategy of undermining the values of our country.

Those who engage in such ludicrous accusations undoubtedly feel that it's their trump card (no pun) to use whenever they're losing an argument.  If you're responsible enough to say we need a border wall to protect American sovereignty, the leftist can attempt to put you on the defensive by saying you're a racist who doesn't want "brown" people in the country.  Now, I happen to know oodles of brown people who unequivocally agree with the need for a wall.  I suppose they'd be called traitors to "their people," too.  The fact is that it has nothing to do with racial bias; it's all about winning the argument by intimidating your opponents out of their right to free speech.

Leftists are so filled with self-imposed rage that it makes them sloppy and foolish.  A recent example is when CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, a black woman, thought she was talking to a white man while she was speaking as a guest on David Webb's radio show.  When Webb said he considered his qualifications more important than his skin color when he applies for jobs, Martin accused him of "exercising white privilege."  The problem with that was, as Webb pointed out in his response: "Areva, I hate to break the news to you, but, you should've been better prepped, because I'm black."

That exchange tells us all we need to know about the balkanization of the dialogue in our country today.  Ms. Martin couldn't even conceive of the possibility that she was accusing a black man of white privilege.  She had become so entrenched in left-wing dogma that, in her mind, anyone who makes it in America must be the recipient of special privileges.  One wonders if she considers that her position with CNN was a result of "black privilege."

A real problem with the abundance of spurious racist allegations is that legitimate claims may soon be viewed as simply more mendacious attempts to win disputes with non-whites.  I think it's a truism that all decent people will come to the defense of those being victimized by bigots.  But what happens when the line between actual and feigned bigotry becomes blurred?  It's been my experience that most educated, successful, self-respecting minorities didn't get where they are by using their skin pigmentation to extort their way up the ladder of success.  Sadly, we don't hear nearly as much from them as we do from the race-baiters who continue to see it as the only way to be relevant.