8 points on how Democrat politicians answer questions

One aspect of Democrats' political campaigns is how they answer questions.  The answering method shows their character, manner, and ethics.  These are the points I have learned watching Democrat candidates (Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, Brown, Booker, Gillibrand, and Yang) from the beginning of the 2020 cycle:

1. When people ask for something in their questions, 2020 Democrat candidates double down and promise more, not only to satisfy them but to satisfy people who are not present and may watch the event later.  They want to promise to the point of no return.  Empty promises are their cookies to distribute wealth and buy votes.

2. In every question they answer, they lack any analytical foundation to explain how they are going to deliver.  Governance is more about "how" than "what."  They ignore the question of how because it shows the policy-making and law-making capacities of a politician.  For example, when they are asked about climate change, they emphasize the importance of the issue, but they do not say how: on which level they are going to act?  How are resources going to be allocated or diverted?  How will millions of Americans react?  What kind of taxes will they consider?  How will these policies have an effect on the price of fuel and natural gas, food, and transportation?

3. In answering every question regarding social and economic issues, they never mention science, technology, civil associations, church, NGOs, individual responsibility, hard work, and family as the solution.  The key that opens all the doors is government — i.e., the federal government.  Gov. Hickenlooper sometimes talks about state and local governments as the medium for change and progress.

4. They do not have the guts to disagree even if the demand is not deliverable or the question is foolish (except Sen. Klobuchar on free four-year college).  They do not have the guts to challenge their audience.

5. The objective of mobilization is stimulation and not awareness.  They never give you different sides of a story or policy.  They love ignorant voters who vote based on ideology, not facts.  You do not learn anything when you listen to their answers.  According to their method of communication, the audience should be deployed, not informed.  The media are in line with this approach.

6. The diversity of looks is way more important than the diversity of ideas and perspectives when they pick who is going to ask a question.  This is the result of media, academia, and politics in the last three decades.  Democrats do not care about the truth that is only reflected when there are venues for competing narratives; they want more ethnic and skin color and sex diversity when they address any issue or problem.

7. They so love hecklers and disturbers, to show that they are tolerant and open —  that if somebody speaks when they are talking, he will be labeled as one.  In the last 20 years, I have not seen anyone who disturbs Democrats' events.  The tradition of heckling and disturbing events in the 21st century belongs to Democrats when they wanted to limit freedom of speech of Trump and his supporters.  

8. I do not know how and if people in their events are picked, but it is amazing that nobody asks tough and serious policy questions to challenge the candidates' positions.  The attendees are there to give enough space to the candidate to say whatever he wants to say. 

Majid Mohammadi is an Iranian-American sociologist. His latest book is A Concise Encyclopedia of "Healthy", "Aspirational", "Chic", and "Constructive" B--------: Islamist, Identity Politics, Anti-colonialism, Socialist, and Post-modern Nonsense and Delusion.

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