American Thinker readers came through for Sharyl Attkisson

Congratulations and deep thanks to American Thinker readers, who have pushed Sharyl Attkisson's 4th Amendment Litigation Fund up by more than a third, from $96,000 to over $130,000 since her article on the costs of fighting the Department of Justice was published here on Thursday.

The gravity of the government spying on her personal computer cannot be exaggerated, yet no deep pockets foundations of public interest law firms have stepped up to help.  That leaves it up to us.  Thank God, American Thinker readers are aware of the stakes and are helping her.

Sharyl is a hero of our age — a woman who has stepped up when she saw something wrong and who has risked everything in the fight against tyranny.

The fight against the Deep State has many facets.  Even though Sharyl Attkisson's case against the government is strong, success will be out of reach unless the funds can be found to support her legal case.

We will stay tuned, and we urge all readers to follow the case as closely as possible.

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