The GOP's Senate prospects in 2020

After losing the open Senate seat race in Arizona last year by 2%, Martha McSally was appointed senator by the GOP governor to fill Jon Kyl's seat, who had been appointed to replace the late John McCain.  That seat will now be contested in 2020.

McSally will have her hands full.  Mark Kelly, former astronaut and husband of Gabrielle Giffords, announced he will run for the seat.

Another Arizona congressman, Ruben Gallegos, a Hispanic in a state that is 30% Hispanic, may also run.

At this point, given how quickly Arizona has shifted from red to purple, I would rate McSally a slight underdog.  Given other competitive GOP seats up in 2020 — Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia, maybe even Texas — GOP control of the Senate after 2020 is by no means assured.

One good spot: The GOP should easily win back the Alabama Senate seat of Doug Jones, assuming that the party can avoid nominating someone with a preference for dating young girls.

Photo credit: NASA.

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