The rich are not like us

When Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer speak of getting justice for the poor, they are merely reading lines from a Latin liturgy — in other words, from a language they do not comprehend.  Abortion, the wall, foreign wars, social justice — these are all ritual incantations, invoking the blessings of their god of power.  To us, the poor, it sounds as if they actually believe, actually care.

They don't.

The old saying is that the rich and famous put on their pants the same way we do — but they don't.  They float into them, or else have servants lift them into their attire.

Very well, I'm being figurative here, but the fact is that, speaking from my level as a peasant, an hourly wage-earner, an ordinary taxpayer without letters after my name, the rich are very unlike me and my cohorts.  That is why they are wealthy, and we are not.  That is usually a good thing, but in some cases, there is a dark side.

More specifically, I am speaking of certain people who are among the very rich and the very powerful.  Many of them are Fortune 100 CEOs, members of Congress, and some state governors, among a few others. 

Upon careful analysis, one can begin to better understand the motives and methods of the likes of Nancy and Chuck, the NeverTrump RINOs, and their close allies.  One can explain why they say the things they say, and why they do what they do.  One can perceive why what they say has little to do with their actions.  It is utterly futile to attempt to reason with them, or to appeal to their conscience.

The proverbial used-car salesman is a rank amateur compared to the aforementioned masters of deceit.  It is well said that in politics, one has no friends, but only accomplices, no beneficiaries, but only victims. 

That is why in Congress there is no debate, no actual confirmation process, no legitimate investigation.  It is why fruitful compromise is increasingly unlikely.  Chanting slogans is not an adequate substitute for thoughtful examination of the issues.  Recited accusations do not result in well-crafted laws.  None of these serves the public interest.

For decades, we the people got promises and little else.  Our so-called representatives have in fact become our overlords.  We are not governed so much as we are ruled.  We are colonists, paying tribute to a distant aristocracy and getting in return crumbs from the tables of our masters.  They view us not as citizens, but as their tax slaves.

In 2016, it finally sank in, at least to about half the voters.  We saw our chance, and we grabbed it.  At long last, we got a president unlike any we have had in our lifetime, not because he is better at the game than the others, but because he is the exception to the rule. 

He is the one wealthy politician in America who is like us.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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