What explains Democrats' self-contradictory views?

The elected Democrat officeholders of today and the ill-educated voters who put them in office have to be the most conflicted people history has ever seen.

These people live in a world of contradictions and must, on a daily basis, reflect on, support, and actually promulgate policies 180 degrees out of phase with each other.  It takes a special kind of person, even one who is a politician, to make claims with a straight face that supporting both sides of an issue is normal psychological practice.

On the one hand, they claim that health care is a human right and must be provided to everyone in the United States, whether citizen or illegal alien, free of charge, without question.  On the other hand, they are fully in support of withholding health care from the survivor of a failed abortion, otherwise known as a live birth, until some magical moment when a postpartum discussion between the mother and a panel of physicians will provide a rational answer to whether this particular live human baby should receive life-sustaining health care, with the full knowledge and approval of the consequences of her decision.

Further conflict involves the practice of abortion itself, the taking of a human life, and the endless efforts to abolish the death penalty in criminal cases for the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes under the statement that human life is precious and the state has no right to inflict capital punishment on anyone — other than a defenseless, innocent baby.

Another basic tenet of today's Democrat: Self-defense is not a human right.  Thus, the unending push for gun control

Democrats claim they are 100 percent in favor of border security but also claim that any type of physical barrier to illegal entry into the country is immoral and we have no right to secure our borders or prevent anyone from anywhere from entering the country.  Yet many if not most Democrats who can afford it have constructed barriers of one kind or another around their private offices, homes, and recreational areas (think gated communities around plush country clubs and golf courses) to prevent unauthorized and unwanted people from invading their space.  Armed guards are looked upon with favor by these same Democrats, yet they do everything within their power to make sure that the average citizen is disarmed and prevented from armed self-defense.

Democrats pontificate on the "one man, one vote" mantra as the backbone of democracy yet stand firmly in opposition to requiring any kind of validation of the person casting a vote, except if the fraud is perpetrated by a Republican.  Negating the value of the vote of a citizen by allowing a vote by an illegal alien is perfectly acceptable to the new Democrat.  Actually, it has always been thus — just look at the election of the likes of "Landslide" Lyndon Johnson in Texas many years ago.

Recent statistical reports on demographic shifts in the country also reflect the basic cognitive challenges for the Democrat voter.  The consequences of recent efforts to initiate de facto socialism in areas where Democrats control the local and state government, higher taxes, increased regulation, and disregard for the Constitution supposedly have driven people from those areas to more hospitable areas such as Florida, Texas, and Tennessee.

With no discernible rational, logical reason, and contrary to common sense, these same people fleeing the blue states for red states immediately begin to vote for the same type of Democrat politicians who created the conditions in their former home states that convinced them to move in the first place.  Thus, we are seeing the gradual shift in policies of former red states to the failed policies of blue states.

One can only conclude that being a Democrat is analogous to belonging to a self- destructive cult.  The equivalent is the "refugee" from some Muslim-dominated Middle Eastern country replicating in his new home in this country the religious intolerance he supposedly fled from. 

This is how Democrats gladly reject the lessons of history and wholeheartedly accept the pathway to their own destruction — and drag the rest of us down with them.

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