What happens to Raul Castro if Cuban agents shoot Venezuelans?

Over the last year, we've written about Cuba's presence in Venezuela.

Senator Rubio has reported in the last 48 hours that Cuban troops are involved:

We are receiving intercepted transmissions of Cuban agents present & directing repressive actions in Ureña. 

This is very interesting.  What happens if Cuban troops are ordered to defend Maduro at a time when Venezuelan troops are walking away?

Raúl Castro has to be very careful, because he could end up with Maduro in a Florida prison like Noriega back in 1989.

In 2015, Fidel Castro's bodyguard wrote about Cuba's role in the drug business:

As the Cocaine Cowboys era exploded into a yeyo-fueled crime wave of excess in South Florida and across the nation in the 1980s, Fidel Castro quietly helped Cuban smugglers get the drugs from Colombia to American shores.  Why?

"For him, drug trafficking was, above all, a weapon of revolutionary struggle more than a means of making money," writes Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, a former Castro bodyguard.  "It served his revolutionary objectives in the sense that it corrupted and destabilized American society[.] ... Icing on the cake: It was a means of bringing in cash to finance subversion."

If Fidel was the cocaine king, then Raúl was his right hand man!

Two birds with one stone?  Castro and Maduro in a Florida court to face drug charges?  Unlikely, but it could happen if Raúl Castro orders Cuban agents to kill Venezuelans to protect Maduro.

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