A great takedown of Christian socialism

Darrell Harrison and his Just Thinking Podcast make for a great listen. This is the one episode you must hear.

Harrison thoughtfully and methodically dismantles the whole idea of Christian socialism and social justice.  Social justice is merely one of the major avenues to socialism.  Socialism is essentially communism via manufactured consent. 

State-enforced collectivism is a concept completely foreign and ultimately antithetical to the Bible.  It wholly contradicts and detracts from the good news of the gospel account.  How is it that so many who ought to know better are trading a great promise for a few state-sanctioned crumbs while encouraging others to do the same? 

It is no mere coincidence that secular promoters of socialism (and social justice) support LGBT privileges, radical environmentalism, abortion, amnesty, and various other dehumanizing causes in their comprehensive quest to circumvent God’s natural order of things.  Acts of charity and mercy are godly and good.  Socialism is not only bad for society, but toxic and anathema to the Christian citizen and the visible Church.

Harrison is swift to condemn the false narratives of Christian activists that liken Jesus to a "sanctified social worker, a holy humanitarian, an exalted egalitarian."

In speaking biblical and logical truth on these matters, Harrison makes a profound and indisputable case that needs to be passed on to all Christians caught up in this wave. 

For further listening:

A bulletproof case against SLAVERY REPARATIONS 

Who is Darrell Harrison?

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