House Dems attempt to legalize voter fraud

A letter to the editor in the Richmond Times-Dispatch last week chastised the GOP for "bounty-hunting" blackface photos of Virginia’s attorney general, Mark Herring.  The author immediately lapsed into name-calling, typecasting Republican delegates as racist who lack any moral high ground for their opposition to eliminating voter ID laws and other safeguards when there is little evidence of voter fraud.

Most people know that voter fraud has existed since the founding, but few get caught and fewer prosecuted.  My late father shared his Depression-era story of when he and his brother earned some pocket money by participating in a Dem vote-buying scheme in his rural Florida district.  Dad said the scheme worked, and no one got caught, but the experience forever soured him on politics.

The Heritage Foundation records over a thousand successfully prosecuted cases of voter fraud in the U.S.  Not included in their records is a recent example near me.  It was a vote-harvesting scheme using absentee ballots perpetrated by the previous mayor of Waverly, a small town about an hour from the Va. capitol.  It was not listed because Richmond’s infamous attorney, Joe Morrissey, traveled to the sticks to get a fellow Democrat acquitted.

Moving it up a notch, and just in time for the 2018 midterm elections, the California legislature legalized a similar vote-harvesting scheme and much more.  The rules changes worked so well that on election night, GOP shoe-in seats in the few remaining solidly Republican areas like Orange County evaporated.   Per Townhall, anyone can "walk into an elections office and hand over truckloads of vote-by-mail envelopes with ballots inside no questions asked, no verified records kept."  Democrat operatives cased nursing homes, low-income neighborhoods, illegal alien work sites, etc. to "help" people vote or to pick up and deliver their ballots.  California’s newly relaxed voting laws enabled cheating on an industrial scale that will perpetuate Democrat control.

Seeing California’s success, the new majority-Dem U.S. House of Representatives went the state one better and, on March 8, passed H.R. 1, a near copycat "For the People Act," by a party-line 234-193 vote.  Like California’s new rules, this seemingly virtuous bill would force early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting in all 50 states and similarly skew national election results heavily toward Democrats.  

It may not pass the current Senate, but this bill clearly reveals which party is pursuing absolute power by any means necessary while disingenuously claiming the moral high ground.  Hint — it’s not the GOP or even Russia.

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