How is illegal immigration not an emergency?

Congress has voted against President Trump's declaration of a national emergency regarding illegal immigration, and Nancy Pelosi is among many claiming that this is a "fake emergency."  She doesn't seem interested in condemning any of the previous emergencies declared by any other president and renewed by President Trump.

There are 31 such emergencies mentioned at the link above.  Almost all of them are responding to situations in other countries that represent no immediate danger to the United States of America.  They block property, persons, and transactions that might support negative situations in those other countries.  I can see where these are emergencies for those other countries, but I fail to see how they are emergencies for the United States.

Shouldn't our national emergencies apply to our nation, not foreign countries?  Can't Congress pass laws blocking persons, etc. related to other countries?  If not, maybe these aren't lawful at all, much less emergencies.

The increasing influx of illegal aliens actually does affect our country.  No matter how peaceful and law-abiding they might be, they do further burden schools and other infrastructure, and the additional maintenance has to be paid for.  Add in the diseases many of them have, the crimes they commit, the jobs they take (under the table, for lower pay), and the exploitation of our laws by having anchor babies and collecting welfare, and we are all affected by letting these people in.

Surely, when the entire nation is potentially affected in a negative way that is forecast to get worse, it is a national emergency.  If Trump used that argument to declare a national emergency regarding climate change, the Democrats would all be applauding.  We are in more immediate danger of diminished quality of life from mass immigration than from farting cows.  Hot air does not endanger us as much as disease and violent crime.  Carbon dioxide is not affecting our quality of life like increased taxes to support people who are economic migrants, not really eligible for asylum.

Previous emergencies didn't undermine something Democrats want to have more of.  The declarations didn't specifically allocate money to do something about the alleged emergencies.  The emergencies didn't really affect our nation at all.  They were for show, not substance.  Now that Trump has declared an emergency against something the Democrats want, that deeply affects our nation, and that he wants money to support through actual concrete (or steel) action, the Congress is clutching its pearls about his "overreach."  God forbid a president actually follow through on trying to keep the nation safe.

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