Omar emboldened

See also: The Omar Affair is a turning point

If Democrats thought "censoring" Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitic statements was the way to get her to stop, they've got another thing coming.

Actually, their repulsively watered down resolution, explicitly triggered by her claims that Jews hypnotize the world, Jewish money ("all about the Benjamins, baby") controls U.S. politics, and U.S. Jews have dual loyalties to Israel, has only emboldened her to step up new lines of attack, this time in slamming the sincerity of people who really are concerned about anti-Semitism, calling it "faux."

Via Instapundit's Stephen Green:

This, fresh from that watered down resolution passed on Congress, is Omar in action, her actual response to the whole thing, stepping up attacks on people who criticize her anti-Semitism as a justification for herself.  In Omar's fevered mind, those people are the "real" hypocrites, and she's the victim.  What they say couldn't possibly be what they feel.  In fact, their outrage is actually fake.

Omar has gone from attacking Jews directly to attacking non-Jews who defend Jews.

Sound as if she's changed any since the resolution?  Sound as if she's going to stop?  Sound as if she's going to change her ways?  She doesn't even sound as if she's embarrassed.

All it shows is that she has a brimming quiver full of Jew-hate and has yet to shoot out all of her arrows.  She won't stop until she makes Jew-hate mainstream.  The quickness of her response shows she has no intention of even pausing.

Instead of slinking away in shame for a few days, at least, because Congress acted to condemn her anti-Semitism, she's actually treating it as a victory.  After all, she never lost her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee; she got House speaker Nancy Pelosi to grovel for her in both speeches and in the House.  She got her name removed from the original proposed congressional resolution in favor of a generalized proposal watered down first to a generalized condemnation of anti-Semitism, and then further watered down again to a generalized condemnation of hate in general, meaning a resolution that meant nothing.  None of this was done by the Republicans for Rep. Steve King, whose blundering comments about white supremacy were something he said he didn't mean and never came up repeatedly for him.  All the Democrats did was broaden their condemnation to a kitchen sink of hate, including favorite forms of hers, in a bid to suggest that anti-Semitism isn't the big problem.

As David Harsanyi notes in The Federalist:

We shouldn't exaggerate the prevalence of hate crimes in America, which is low, but it's certainly worth pointing out that Jews are the target of 60 percent of those crimes — a far larger percentage than anyone else.  In New York City, there have been at least 36 hate crimes against Jews so far this year so far

Now Omar's doing her part to continue expressing her anti-Semitism, through attacks on those who oppose anti-Semitism.  As a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semite, this won't be her last outrage.  The jellyfish resolution on hate has only emboldened her.  The result will be more and more attacks on Jews and their defenders.  This latest incident shows that it's already started.

Image credit: Screen shot from Fox News via YouTube.

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