The border surge is real

Secretary of homeland security Kirstjen Nielsen told the House Committee on Homeland Security on Wednesday that a surge in illegal immigration is underway at the southern border and will overwhelm U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents if they are not provided additional resources.

In February, we saw a 30 percent jump over the previous month, with agents apprehending or encountering nearly 75,000 aliens[.] ... This is an 80 percent increase over the same time last year. And I can report today that CBP is forecasting the problem will get even worse this spring as the weather warms up.

Two weeks ago, on February 21, the 58 best and brightest former national security officials told us there is no "factual basis" to support President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency on the U.S. southern border:

llegal border crossings are near forty year lows. At the outset, there is no evidence of a sudden or emergency increase in the number of people seeking to cross the southern border.  According to the administration's own data, the numbers of apprehensions and undetected illegal border crossings at the southern border are near forty-year lows.  Although there was a modest increase in apprehensions in 2018, that figure is in keeping with the number of apprehensions only two years earlier, and the overall trend indicates a dramatic decline over the last fifteen years in particular.  The administration also estimates that "undetected unlawful entries" at the southern border "fell from approximately 851,000 to nearly 62,000" between fiscal years 2006 to 2016, the most recent years for which data are available.  The United States currently hosts what is estimated to be the smallest number of undocumented immigrants [sic] since 2004.  And in fact, in recent years, the majority of currently undocumented immigrants [sic] entered the United States legally, but overstayed their visas, a problem that will not be addressed by the declaration of an emergency along the southern border.

Those best and brightest?  It's time to call out each of these Deep State frauds by name:

1. Madeleine K. Albright
2. Jeremy B. Bash
3. John B. Bellinger III
4. Daniel Benjamin
5. Antony Blinken
6. John O. Brennan
7. R. Nicholas Burns
8. William Burns
9. Johnnie Carson
10. James Clapper
11. David S. Cohen
12. Eliot A. Cohen
13. Ryan Crocker
14. Thomas Donilon
15. Jen Easterly
16. Nancy Ely-Raphel
17. Daniel P. Erikson
18. John D. Feeley
19. Daniel F. Feldman
20. Jonathan Finer
21. Jendayi Frazer
22. Suzy George
23. Phil Gordon
24. Chuck Hagel
25. Avril D. Haines
26. Luke Hartig
27. Heather A. Higginbottom
28. Roberta Jacobson
29. Gil Kerlikowske
30. John F. Kerry
31. Prem Kumar
32. John E. McLaughlin
33. Lisa O. Monaco
34. Janet Napolitano
35. James D. Nealon
36. James C. O'Brien
37. Matthew G. Olsen
38. Leon E. Panetta
39. Anne W. Patterson
40. Thomas R. Pickering
41. Amy Pope
42. Samantha Power
43. Jeffrey Prescott
44. Nicholas Rasmussen
45. Alan Charles Raul
46. Dan Restrepo
47. Susan E. Rice
48. Anne C. Richard
49. Eric P. Schwartz
50. Andrew J. Shapiro
51. Wendy R. Sherman
52. Vikram Singh
53. Dana Shell Smith
54. Jeffrey H. Smith
55. Jake Sullivan
56. Strobe Talbott
57. Linda Thomas-Greenfield
58. Arturo A. Valenzuel

We suffer from the very worst elites in the entire history of the United States.  Anyone surprised by today's political rancor?

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