The Democrats have become 'the Rutles' of our politics

Watching the Democrats this weekend reminds me of what a parody of a political party they've turned into. This is no longer a serious group.  It's really Trump Derangement Syndrome 24/7.

First, they told us that Mueller walked on water.  Now, Mueller made mistakes.

They are a joke or the Rutles of our politics.   

Forty years ago, The BBC created a parody about the Beatles called the Rutles.  It happened at a time when the music of the Beatles had disappeared from Top 40 radio.  It was replaced by "disco".  Only Paul was having AM hits.  Records released by John, George, and Ringo weren't causing much of a splash.

In this context, the BBC decided to have a lot of fun and create a parody of the group.

It was hilarious!   

Let's remember the Rutles:    

The 1978 film “All You Need Is Cash,” for which Mr. Idle was co-director (with Gary Weis), writer and star (in multiple roles), introduced the other Liverpool combo and its career-making “tight trousers” to America."

"All you need is cash"?   “Can’t Buy Me Lunch”? “Doubleback Alley" a satire of "Penny Lane".

The Rutles were created to mock the Beatles.  Today's Democrats must have been created as a mock political party.

Let them continue their investigation and we may be reminded of that Rutles LP called "Let it rot"!

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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