Two crimes perpetrated on the American people

An interesting week.  In Chicago, a man who seems to have perpetrated a hate crime hoax gets off scot-free.  It would simply be laughable and another stain on the city of Chicago except that Jussie Smollett accomplished two noteworthy things.  First, he smeared the good name of decent white Americans by maintaining the lie that white men beat him up for being black and gay.  Secondly, he smeared the good name of decent black Americans who could now be tarred with the brush that should be used only for Smollett.  Both groups should despise Smollett for the terrible wrongs he has done to them.  But the real villains here are those who freed Smollett of all charges without his case even being heard in court.  If the Obamas were involved in this, the besmirching of black Americans is then made even worse.  As if our country needed a few more racial lies and polarization.  That these people are associated with the Democratic brand will certainly not help that brand come 2020.  Democrats should be as loved now as they were in 1865.

This brings up crime #2, also against the entire American people.  In an effort to stop the election of Donald Trump — and then overturn that election — another lie was unleashed on the country.  We were told by sleazy Democrat politicians, disgruntled and childish Republican politicians, "journalists," unfunny late-night "comedians," university professors, clergy, a pope, ex-presidents, and on and on, that the election was illegitimate.  We were told he collaborated with Russia.  Even while we then learned that his opponent in that election — one Hillary Clinton — actually did conspire with a foreign British agent to obtain slanderous information from the Russians to defeat him.  It was all a lie. 

So why is this second example a crime against the American people?  We don't have a trade agreement with China.  We don't have a nuclear agreement with N. Korea.  We don't have a border wall.  Our infrastructure.  We still have unsustainable health care costs.  Ponder what didn't happen or didn't get done these past two years!  Ask yourself, if you were Kim Jong-un, would you negotiate with a U.S. president who was on the ropes?  If you were Pelosi or Schumer, would you allow a border fence built by a president you thought you could force from office?  What we do have is more national polarization than we have had since the 1850s — all courtesy of a leftist lie.

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