A PC/woke review of Avengers Endgame

There's nothing worse than supposedly P.C./woke movies that actually perpetuate outdated stereotypes.

I saw Avengers Endgame, the climax to 22 Marvel Superhero movies.

So, what happens at the very end?  The good guys have to get the Infinity Stone gauntlet past an army of bad guys and into a vehicle-mounted, miniature time portal.

How do they do this?  First, they have a black guy (T'Chala) run it downfield like a football.  It was only my instinct for self-preservation at the Galleria Cinema which prevented me from yelling at the screen, "Go, O.J., go!"  Guess who fumbles well short of the goal line.  Strike one.

Then, of course, they give the keys to the survival of the universe to Spider-Man, a millennial teenager, who goes joyriding with a female friend on a souped up white bronco, reblowing the O.J. dog whistle while reinforcing the stereotype that women can't drive.  Strike two.

Finally, it's Captain Marvel's turn.  You would think that super strength, near invulnerability, and power rays shooting out of her hands would sufficiently evidence competence.  But no, she also had to sport a butch haircut, perhaps to offset for SJW purposes the fact that this paragon of woke feminism flies around in a skin-tight body suit.

Aided by a dozen pissed off (and possibly cycling) female superheroes in what must be the greatest girl-power moment in cinematic history, this former female fighter jock, a woman capable of unaided interstellar flight, can't manage to get the equivalent of a bag of groceries into the back of a minivan.  Strike three.

Cue Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man, AKA the middle aged, straight white guys.  They get out a couple of hand tools — namely, a hammer and a hatchet — and fix the problem with the snap of a work glove.

Is there no (social) justice in this world?  Definitely not.  Maybe we should try the D.C. Universe.

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