Democrat policy: No lives matter

The truth is that the elites do not value any lives, not even those of their fellow elitists or their own offspring.  Power matters — their power, at an individual level, and power for their group when necessary to preserve their personal power.

You can think of examples.  Here are a few to get you started:

  • Abortion.  The lives of babies don't matter, considering that human fodder for elitist schemes is rushing the borders to get in, to get a little money before they get deported and to get as many handouts as possible in the meantime.  It's the Cloward-Piven approach applied to immigration.  As a consequence, the babies who survive abortion attempts are seen as having negative value, since (a) they may be damaged and less useful as workers, and (b) they represent lost income, since they can't be parted out and sold while alive.
  • Education.  School has been dumbed down to an intellectual bassinet, where the children are fed mental pabulum and programmed to be moral and emotional slaves to the elitists, who are presented as wise and morally infallible.  Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that the only path presented to finding a sense of personal worth seems to be as a foot soldier ("useful idiot") for the cause(s).  Humans want to feel valuable, so the students enlist gladly.
  • Business, particularly family businesses.  A family can raise children and involve them in the business, teaching them some basic skills, explaining why a strong work ethic is important, showing them that they are important because tasks don't do themselves.  So small businesses that are extensions of the family support a counter-narrative for their kids of the source of wealth being outside the government.  Of course they're under attack, through increased regulations and taxes, especially estate taxes.  Estate taxes often either remove the business from the family (since it gets sold to pay the taxes) or result in additional mortgages in order to pay those taxes.  Even big corporations are problematic, because they employ people who then depend less on government handouts for their income.
  • Useful idiots.  First, because these individuals can be harmed or even killed in defending the cause.  Riots happen.  Property damage and physical attacks can happen to people with unpopular opinions.  Elitists sit safely behind their walls and armed security and make pep talk speeches before retiring to their enclaves again.  Secondly, there are always more useful idiots, and supply versus demand applies.
  • Other elitists.  Ask Harvey Weinstein.  When he was useful for financial and other support, they looked after him.  When he ran afoul of the societal "right-thinking" mob, the concept of elitist perfection had to be protected instead.  Even elitist kids are valueless.  Loughlin's daughter wanted to party, not study.  High-status social connections were more important to her mom, who didn't care that her daughter didn't care.  Colleges and universities have become breeding programs for the elite livestock. P ower, after all, needs a conduit.
  • Law enforcement.  Hillary, Jussie, etc.  Even when the LEOs want to prosecute, it isn't their call, and elitists have protection.  Moral correctness matters, not factual, right, Sandy O?  Reality should matter, but it often conflicts with feeling virtuous.

Blacks.  Jews.  Women.  Men.  Non-cis-genders.  In the end, no lives matter.  Just the power to get the elitists what they want: even more power.

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