For leftists, the only goal is to win

This is war. 

It is a war of ballots, not bullets, but no less a war, because no less is at stake.  The radical left understands that and has been acting accordingly for years.  Trump is the surprise attack — the unexpected maneuver that outflanked them on the right.  He threatens their very existence as a political force.

The Democrats smell blood, but it is their own.  They have become a cornered wolf, as desperate and as dangerous.  The only rule, for them, is to win.  Nothing else matters.  They will literally say and do anything, and they will intensify their efforts the closer their defeat looms. 

Many among us on the right have yet to fully absorb that unpleasant fact.  Many among our friends, including reporters and politicians, speak as though the leftists are reasonable, persuadable people.  If only we could show them that illegal aliens really are streaming across the border; if only we could show them the horror that is abortion; if only we could show them that socialism will do to us what it did to Venezuela.

They already know that.  The leaders on the Left already know that President Trump never colluded with the Russians and that he never obstructed the Mueller investigation.  They already know that socialism wrecks economies.  They already know that disarming law-abiding citizens will not decrease crime.  And, of course, they recognize that their Green New Deal will bring about a dystopia.

So why do we try to persuade them of what they already know?

Some years ago, while I was negotiating with a used car salesman, it became glaringly apparent to me that everything he said to me was a lie — not only a lie, but a blatant, shameless deception which had as its only purpose to make the sale, to get my money, and to get on to the next sucker.

Leftist politicians, leftist reporters, and leftist propagandists are exactly like that.  They are lying, and they know they are lying.

I am being heavy-handed and overbearing on this matter, because some among us need to recognize why the Democrats do what they do.

According to this report, "[a] House Democrat [Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.)] who sits on the House Judiciary Committee admitted Sunday that his "sole focus" is unseating President Donald Trump, not passing legislation to improve the lives of Americans, the promise on which lawmakers campaign."

No less a Democrat luminary than former vice president Joe Biden says, in his campaign video, that if President Trump is re-elected, "He will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."

Let us hope so.  It has been said by pundits that, if Trump is re-elected, and if he regains a bicameral majority in the Congress, then that will be the end of the Democratic Party.  It will splinter into the competing radical factions that are already vying against each other.  They will become as forgotten as the Whig Party of the 1800s, which, although it saw four of its members become presidents, vanished.  Why it disappeared is telling.

Like the current Democratic Party, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Whigs were "[a]llied almost exclusively by their common dislike of [President Andrew] Jackson and his policies — and later by their hunger for office — [but] the Whigs never developed a definitive party program."

In these regards, Trump is to the Democrats what Andrew Jackson was in his time — and the Democrats are very much like what the Whigs were: a coalition of factions with no unifying principle except hatred.

The Democrats do what they do because for them, the war is existential.  They stand to lose their power.  For the rest of us, unless we succeed, we stand to lose our nation.

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