How do we know that Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein is a conservative?

Rabbi Goldstein is the Chabad rabbi who was injured Saturday at the synagogue he leads in Poway, Calif.  One woman was killed, and two others besides the rabbi were injured.

1. He loves, not hates America.

2. He is a warrior, not a victim.

3. Religious observance is a part of his life.

We know these things from his remarks, as quoted on Accidental Talmudist  and elsewhere.

The report includes the following:

The rabbi shepherded children and congregants to a safe space.  There he spoke to them from his heart, urging them to be proud Jews, grateful to live in a country that protects our religious freedom.  We will not be cowed, and we will search for the hidden light that will emerge from this tragedy.  Then he was taken to the hospital, and endured hours of surgery on his hands. 

Compare that with the statement from J Street, the left-wing Jewish political organization:

The forces of hatred and xenophobia in this country continue to target and victimize the Jewish community, along with many other vulnerable minority communities.  They are targeting us in our synagogues, our churches and our mosques.

Or the Democratic Party–sponsored resolution on anti-Semitism passed recently in the U.S. House of Representatives:

Whereas accusations of dual loyalty generally have an insidious, bigoted history, including—

  1. the discriminatory internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II on the basis of race;
  2. the Dreyfuss affair; when Alfred Dreyfuss, a Jewish French artillery captain was falsely convicted of passing secrets to Germany based on his Jewish background;
  3. when the loyalty of President John F. Kennedy was questioned because of his Catholic faith; and
  4. the post-9/11 conditions faced by Muslim-Americans in the United States, including unfounded, vicious attacks on and threats to Muslim-American Members of Congress

Rabbi Goldstein's remarks are those of a patriot and a hero, which he certainly is.  All of America wishes him a speedy recovery.

Image: NBC via YouTube.

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