Howie Schultz must be giving the DNC night terrors

While the Democrat socialist gaggle of declared 2020 presidential hopefuls attempt to woo the masses by promising a feast of free stuff, potential independent candidate Howard Schultz, former Starbucks CEO, continues to test the campaign waters.  In a recent Fox News town hall broadcast, Mr. Schultz deftly and with polished ease impressed a small studio audience by employing straight forward frankness and common sense.  His disapproval of Medicare for All and the Green New Deal differs greatly from the socialist screed, parroted in unison by the gaggle.  Suffice it to say, should Mr. Schultz decide to run for president, his candidacy is guaranteed to frustrate and anger the far-left liberals and perhaps appeal to the centrist Democrats, in addition to offering up a sobering alternative to the NeverTrump crowd. 

For the record, I watched the Fox News town hall meeting, and I have to admit—I was impressed. Disclaimer: What follows is not an endorsement, simply an observation.  Without a doubt, Howard Schultz is intelligent, articulate, and an eloquent speaker.  It's immediately apparent that he does not hail from the D.C. political swamp.  Furthermore, during the town hall audience questioning; he never once wandered off into the weeds, attempting to dodge or avoid the questions.  In fact, his replies were concise and sincere.  More importantly, he's clearly challenging the Democratic Party's descent into socialism, which explains why Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, isn't happy about a Schultz candidacy.

Not of the socialist mindset and unwilling to run under the Democrat banner, Howard Schultz doesn't believe in government giveaway programs; quite the opposite.  He reiterated that Medicare for All is unaffordable and the Green New Deal is unrealistic and immoral.  In fact, Howard Schultz is a thorn in the side of the DNC.  He's certain to incite far-left liberal angst while attracting the attention of disenchanted centrist Democrats, many of whom are unwilling to jump on the socialist bandwagon. 

With the exception of Mr. Schultz, all of the declared 2020 presidential candidates are far-left ideologues, fully embracing the socialist utopian myth.  To the man (and woman), each has promised free health care, free college, college student loan debt forgiveness, and guaranteed jobs, and some have even endorsed the idea of universal basic income.  As expected, centrist Democrats have remained subdued, although some have openly "walked away."

Mr. Schultz hopes to capture this segment of the Democratic Party demographic.  For instance, instead of looting the U.S. Treasury, he proposes repealing the Trump tax cuts.  He's also of the opinion that taxing the rich at higher percentage rates is fair, in addition to returning corporate tax rates to previous levels.  And while the socialist Democrats shamelessly pander for votes by promising all sorts of free stuff, to include paying monetary reparations to ancestors of slaves (which Howard Schultz also opposes), he wants to immediately address the nation's $22-trillion debt, which he identifies as America's greatest threat, not climate change.  His business acumen is acute, and he's convinced it's paramount to get the United States on sound, fiscal footing, unlike the declared socialist Democrat candidates, none of whom has mentioned the nation's debt. 

Contrary to the liberal media narrative, he doesn't discount President Trump's successes, acknowledging that the president has revived the economy and significantly lowered unemployment.  Schultz has refrained from hurling vile insults, although he thinks President Trump has damaged America's image abroad and that neither Trump nor the Democrats are working in the best interest of the people.  To my knowledge, he hasn't disparaged Trump-supporters, some of whom I suspect Mr. Schultz wants to corral in his corner.  In plain speak, he's offering an olive branch as the independent candidate.

It's no secret that the NeverTrump crowd, still identifying as conservatives, have remained fierce in their opposition to the president.  Some have capitulated, but for the most part, they weren't Trump-supporters in 2016, and they aren't Trump supporters now.  Donald Trump is anathema to them; Howard Schultz might be the next best thing.  He's likeable, he's thoughtful, and he's smart.  He oozes charisma, and he's a proven leader with a successful track record.  More important, for centrist Democrats and the NeverTrump crowd, his proposed platform isn't based on the radical socialist agenda.

It's no wonder that the socialist Democrats are worried — they should be, but so should the Trump White House.  Howard Schultz is poised to be a spoiler.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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