Joe Biden's selfie culture apocalypse

Joe Biden began his political career as a local county councilman at the age of 28.  A couple of years later, he was elected to the Senate, where he remained until his resignation to assume the vice presidency under Obama.  That's quite a trajectory for a serial harasser.

Running for public office can require an egotistical personality.  There's a related personality that feeds off politicians on both sides of the aisle.  It's a kind of desperate hero-worship.  These groupies would trample their mothers to get in that perfect photo with their political star.  During campaign season, they'll stand in a hot airplane hangar or warehouse for hours waiting for their idol and that perfect strategic photo op.  The Joe Bidens of the world have absorbed this hero-worship for decades — in Joe's case, four and a half decades.  In Joe's mind, he is golden and glittering and larger than life.

Taking nothing away from Joe's epic and very real creepiness, he has been in a controlled world in which he is the object of blinding love.  Many want to get as close to him as they can as the selfie cameras click.  Couple this with Joe's large ego and well known lack of a filter, and a fella might get the idea that his close talking, his touches, his whispers, his stroking and hair-sniffing are exactly what the people want.  They love me.  They really love me!

Not only has his weird behavior been tolerated for decades while serving in the most visible roles, but it's been a laughed off non-issue because, thanks to the media, he is also in that rarified protected class called Democrat.  Just look at all the grand things the media enable!

His political instincts are atrocious as well, but that has nothing to do with why he's being dragged off the stage now.  Look at the lt. governor of Virginia, for instance.  He's been accused of rape by credible women.  He's still on the stage.  So what's the difference, besides rape being at a different elevation from sexual harassment?  It's poor Joe's accident of birth.  He's an old white guy.  Joe no longer matters.

The #MeToo movement, in which sexual harassment victimhood is just the latest long-running hot fad, has suddenly exploded on old Joe.  What could be easier to get done?  The same kind of needy personality that obsesses over political hero-worship delights in being on the latest victim bandwagon.  It's just a different way to be warmed in the national selfie spotlight.

They've turned on Joe with a weapon he's been immune to for 45 years.  No wonder he's surprised and making a strange "I'm woke" video.  The only time Joe gets close to what's happening to him is his mention of selfie culture. 

The reasoning for his expulsion is as thin as air.  He's been discarded by the unbearable lightness of his party: obsessed with outward appearance, fads, myths, hoaxes, scams, derangement, hysteria, soap opera scripts, denial of biology, youthful stupidity, victimhood, and the shallowest and in some cases most appalling stances in U.S. history.  Splendid old-guard Democrat statues are being pulled down all over Washington.  Like, not literally.

This is what happens when your political party's mind is so woke and open that its brains spill out.  Step aside, Joe, over all the brains, and let the younger selfie-bots have their chance in the fickle spotlight.

Image: Kelly Kline via Flickr.

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