Mitt is 'sickened'

Sickened? Seriously, Mitt Romney is 'sickened'?

The failed former presidential candidate and longtime critic of President Trump would like us to know how displeased he is with President Trump again, this time telling us he's "sickened" by President Trump's private behavior described in the Mueller report.  According to the Daily Mail:

Republican Senator Mitt Romney said Friday that he was 'sickened' and 'appalled' by what Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed about President Donald Trump and his aides.

While most Republicans declined to comment on the explosive report, he chastised the GOP president and senior White House officials caught misleading the public.

'I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the president,' Romney said in a Twitter statement.

So there he went, looking for the minutia of the report, zeroing in on an errant statement here or there from a presidential spokewoman (as if no presidential spokesperson has ever 'misspoken' in the past, and none would dream of doing during a past Democratic administration).

He ought to be 'sickened' by the Mueller report itself.  And the disgusting spectacle of how the Special Counsel's investigation was pretexted from the work of politically motivated Democratic operatives, who not only sought to prevent candidate Donald Trump's election, but also sought to topple him from power after he was elected president.  Their phony 'Steele dossier' — created by Russians, no less — is what led to the corrupted pre-Mueller investigations of the Trump administration, leading to the Special Counsel's appointment.  These activities involved unprecedented and seemingly illegal spying on a presidential candidate in unprecedented corruption.  The president was guilty of nothing but losing his temper and using the F-word once, according to the report.

The vast scope of dishonesty falls with the Democrats and the Deep State, who cooked up this travesty wholesale until it was exposed.  Now former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes did a yeoman's job at exposing the real rot, and Mueller's report just underscored it with an exclamation point.  I have read some of the report, and I was frankly pretty impressed by the skeletal structure of the whole plot as it was exposed — with things I knew to be true, that the press was either ignoring or reporting as not true — exposed as true.  Did the Russians collude with the Trump campaign to steal the election from Hillary Clinton?  Not a scintilla of evidence of that turned up.  The Russians complained they couldn't even get their phone calls through, which is exactly what my Moscow sources told me before Trump was even elected.  And they also didn't think Trump was going to win.  Collusion is nonsense, though they certainly tried to create some chaos.  And yes, it was Bernie Sanders they really loved for old time's sake.

If Mitt wants to be sickened, he should be sickened by that.  Instead, he's sickened by Trump, and sickened by a bunch of tiny insignificant things, things of manner, never mind the unprecedented left-wing mega-plot that rose like a tidal wave against him.  'Sickened' is a pretty strong word, so he sounds as though he's got the vapors.  He reveals himself to be a prissy little dimwit, more petty than ever after all these years, and still nursing his grievances about why Trump won a presidential election and he didn't.

In doing this, he reminds us all very well why we voted for Donald Trump. 

Image credit: Caricature by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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