Socialists and strongmen

Socialists know that one way they can get their preferred candidate into office is to frighten people until they will do anything in order to feel safe.  It is human nature to prefer a stable and predictable environment so that plans can be made for the future, whether it is tomorrow or ten years from now.  Chaos produces increased fear.  A calm, steady leader who promises to produce a stable and safe environment is going to get a following.

Current Democratic candidates for the presidency may think they are promising a stable and morally superior society, sans walls and reducing if not eliminating social and financial inequality, while fighting climate change.  What they are actually saying is instead producing an impression of imminent upheaval, with socio-topia expected to rise from the ashes.  They do not explain how the process will work, only that if they get power, they will remold the "sorry scheme of things entire ... nearer to the heart's desire."  They presume to have power no one has, nor could anyone wield it intelligently, and try to sell the promise without any recourse if it doesn't pan out.

Most people do not want or trust upheaval, no matter how much good may be said to come of it.  It is sometimes unavoidable, but grand schemes should be implemented a tiny bit at a time, with an exit path.  This is how we have come to the present moment, when socialism has made such inroads that one of our two major political parties is actively charging even farther left.  If we allow ourselves to be persuaded that the promised peace is worth the price of conformity and overarching government, they will use their strongman candidate to implement ever more government control, until we are not significantly different from factory farm livestock that might spend its life in a stall or cage.  Peace we might have, but no freedom under such a system.

In 2016, the Democrats thought there was enough chaos already so that voters would be receptive to the supposedly intelligent, experienced, calm voice of reason and compassion they envisioned emanated from Hillary Clinton.  The voters instead tended to see her as a dishonest, screeching harpy obsessed with taking her turn in the Oval Office.  Through the Clinton Foundation she received large donations, and it could be argued that donors thought they were buying concessions, but she didn't plan to stay bought.  It didn't help, since too many of us value honesty and truth, as well as independence from government control.  Deplorables that we are, we voted for the wrong strongman.

The chaos increases every day.  Migrant caravans, which carry diseases and conceal criminals, are one aspect of this.  Identity politics, with its insistence that only a group member can understand and represent the group, pits different groups against each other.  Some groups practice violence, and the local politicians let this unlawful behavior happen and don't arrest or try to prosecute anyone.  It all produces the effect that the government is not in control, and (clutching pearls) "something must be done."

The Democrats will produce a socialist candidate in moderate's clothing as the savior of the republic.  Do not believe them.

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